Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Hung It By Myself

Which is not impossible for an irate Southern woman.

I Wonder

how damn hard was it to drive nails into a corner?! You can see the holes, evidently the shelf hanger with zero carpentry skills made a few attempts before the shelf stayed attached to the wall. And btw, the long end rested on the bracket (the shelf was on the right hand wall) I had a hell of a time getting the other bracket off and it was accessible from all sides. But rest assured, I am an irate Southern woman and I will get that cheap bracket down one way or another. Just for future reference, brackets should always be on the same wall and level.

Claiming My Space in this Place

I started a post earlier today about how I feel adrift and directionless. It became so bitter and angry that I had to walk away. Apparently I have some issues to face before I can get anywhere.

I did a clarity spell. Then I felt bored and restless so I started cleaning my sewing room. I really started looking at things in here- what's useful? Do I like this stuff?

I decided the ojos had to go.

I made four ojos years ago. I have never been able to find a use for them. Sure, they're nifty spell objects, but they didn't really call to me. I made them to learn a new craft, not for any purpose. They looked okay, not great. Nobody wanted to buy them. I couldn't think of anyone to give them to. I didn't really know anybody that liked/used ojos.

Time to recycle.

As I snipped up the cobweb covered thread for scrim, I realized the colors had faded a good bit. One had a bright green back and a sickly green front. Oh yeah, that's gotta go.

After the ojos became scrim and firewood, I took a good look at the shelf they were hanging from. The shelf is fugly. I'm assuming the previous tenant, who had no carpentry skills what so ever, decided to make a piece of scrap wood into a shelf. And obviously they salvaged the brackets because they weren't the right size to support the shelf which tilted downward.

I'm been wanting to replace my fugly shelf with nice shelves. I've been picturing nice wood grain and decorative brackets. I haven't had extra money, so this has been a maybe-one-day dream. But after getting rid of faded crap, the shelf was really bothering me. Suddenly I realized I had nice brackets in my storage room. And I have paint. Aha!

Fugly is currently laying in the living room getting a make-over. I had exactly the right amount of brackets. And if I move the shelf up, then later I'll have room to add new shelves.

So what has my clarity spell taught me? That I have everything I need to get what I want. I just need to look at things with a fresh eye.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Witch of This Place- Essay 1

I've been thinking about what I could do to really be the witch of Tallapoosa. I decided first I should determine what is special/unique here:

1. Lots and lots of cemeteries. I counted over 70 on the map. So working with the dead would be high on the list.

2. The Tallapoosa River. Water magick.

3. Boundaries and control. When the dam was built, the water backed up more than estimated. It went into the Turner family barn. As a result, the Turners became rich. Another big player here is Alabama Power. There's also several places under the control of 'Forever Wild', an organization that wishes for much of Alabama to be left undeveloped. It goes without saying, land on the river/lake is very expensive. Everybody wants waterfront property. However, in the winter time, Alabama Power lowers the water level by ten feet, leaving some places muddy and bare. If the water is the main force here, then the witch should understand the full extent of her power and when and how to use it.

4. Between places. In Alabama, all waterways are open to the public. This means you can wade through a creek, even if it crosses private property. The water allows you to go places you ordinarily wouldn't be allowed to access. Due to the drop in water levels, some places are dry land in winter and wet in summer. These places 'shift' from one realm to another. The witch needs an understanding of shifting reality.

5. History. Tallapoosa County is an old place. It has seen war, the collapse of towns and industry, birth and death. Only by understanding what has happened here can the witch know what is to come.

There are probably more things inherent to this place, these are just the main 5. Most of these issues already call to me. Last year I had a strong desire to explore all the cemeteries. I still feel that pull, as if the dead are calling me. Cemetery work would help me with issue 1 and 5, along with connecting me to the Goddess Oya, who rules all cemeteries and whom I already worship. I have always loved the river. Sometimes the river calls me, too. One thing I like about living here is the wildness. I can drive for miles without seeing power lines. Sometimes the land calls to me. So even before I decided to devote myself to here, most of the tools were in place to succeed.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is a strong tie to my home- I draw my power source from the land to protect this place and myself. I'm looking to create a loop where we exist in harmony and support of each other. In my next essay, (which may or may not be my next post) I want to talk about ley lines- what they are, how I use them, and how many cross near my house.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Where/s the Dragon Hiding?

I have been denied unemployment benefits repeatedly. I've been denied for reasons that had nothing to do with getting fired, and been denied for quitting (which I didn't). I had a telephone hearing and my rejection letter included a statement FROM ME that was the exact opposite of what I said under oath. I am astounded that my testimony was falsified. While I was debating how to handle it, I got ANOTHER rejection letter stating I wouldn't receive benefits because I had gotten vacation pay in excess of the benefits I am eligible for. Short of getting a lawyer, I don't think I can fight the state.

Since the company would be the one paying the benefits, I don't see why the state cares one way or another. So I called the payroll manager, and she offered to call the state and tell them to give me benefits because the company is willing to pay. Then I didn't hear anything else from her. This is the same person who offered to help me find a job. I haven't heard a word about that either. I want to trust her, but I feel like she's just saying whatever to keep me from being mad and taking action against the company.

Kevin still wants me to sue the company for wrongful termination. After battling the state, I feel like a lawsuit would go pretty much the same way- a bunch of knuckleheads in suits not listening to me and looking for stupid shit to stall me. I don't deal well with stupid shit. I can handle accidents, honest mistakes, and miscommunication, but I can't hold my temper with mindless stupidity. It seems like too much of a headache.

In other news, the pollen is still falling. If I don't take a pink and white pill twice a day my eyeballs itch like crazy. I have to be careful with OTC meds now- most have diabetic warnings.

I've cleared out a big garden space. One of my sweet potatoes has roots and is ready to be planted. My brussels sprouts are flowering so soon I'll have seeds to harvest. My snap dragons came back and I have a row of fuchsia flowers guarding the front yard. My mint looks great and I had to repot my aloes.

I've been trying new things with sewing. Some work and some don't. I have learned the importance of writing things down. I liked Ring of Fire so much I decided to make a Ring of Earth. Unfortunately, I forgot how to put the ring together. I ended up with an awful collapsed spiral. I had to rip it out and start over.

While sewing I had an epiphany about scrim. For those who don't remember, scrim is little jumbles of thread and fabric mixed together to make art. I decided to make a nearly zero waste sewing room. I saved every bit of scrap for scrim. I've been stuffing pillows with it and it works very well. I started wondering if I was every going to run out of scrim, and I realized, no, as long as I was sewing, I wouldn't. Then I started wondering if I ever again really needed to buy fabric. I'm not talking about buying fabric because I want it, I mean, if I ever got too poor to make a purchase, could I still sew. And the answer was yes, I could. I can salvage scraps from my clothes, towels, and linens. I can save little tiny bits and resew them into large pieces. I can even weave thread into fabric. I have a never-ending supply of textiles. Suddenly my cauldron of scrim is a cauldron of plenty. This made me think that of the legend of Dagda's Cauldron- perhaps the cauldron was just a symbol representing the whole system of abundant resources. Perhaps it wasn't the cauldron that was magick, but somehow Dagda knew how to use his resources in a way that ensured his people would never know hunger. My scraps have become a whole new element. They aren't waste, they're magick.

So inspired by my scrim, I have been looking for ways to make the whole house into a near zero waste system. Like the kitchen- can more wasted food items go into the compost bin and not the trash? What if I stopped buying paper towels and canned drinks? How much more food can I grow?

Another thing that's been heavy on my mind- am I truly the witch of this place? I've been seeing this issue a lot on other blogs. The witch works in her corner of the world. She knows what's going on right down to every pebble and leaf, then she works her magick to protect it. She often reaches beyond the boundaries of her realm to help others. She is sought out for answers. Am I exercising my power to the fullest? If this neighborhood prospered, would that prosperity extend to the next neighborhood, then to the county, and eventually to the state? Would it continue on throughout the South, then the country, and finally the world?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Reason to Save the Trees

For the last several mornings, I have woken up sneezing. My eyes itch most of the day (seems worse when the ceiling fan is on, bummer since it's getting warm). It's pollen time. I hate spring.

The major pollen producer is the pine tree. The male pine tree. Females don't produce pollen. ONE male pine can produce enough pollen to cover one mile.

If man did not interfere, Alabama would be nearly all hardwood trees.

When the timber is cut, fast growing pines spring up and dominate the landscape, covering land meant for oaks and hickory.

Pines are left to grow because they can cut quickly. Pines are useful for making paper.

But we're paying for our greed- boring beetles are killing the pine trees. The beetles don't bore into long leaf pines. We have a shortage of long leaf pines because while they do make massive trees, they take centuries to grow.

So now we've cut up most of our hardwood and the beetles are killing our el cheapo trees.

And my eyeballs itch.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ring of Fire

Done! I used alcohol wipes to clean the needle. My machine skipped stitches every once in a while, but not nearly as bad as before. I hemmed the edges to make it an altar cloth. Ring of fire is now for sale in my etsy shop for $40. I am so pleased with it, I'm going to make more in other colors.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Need a Big Sign for the Door

Abby the Jehovah's Witness came here today, which annoyed me. I said LAST time that I wasn't interested, nor was there anybody else in the household who would be interested. I do believe I said not to bother me.

I'm busy. Don't you hear my laundry tumbling around in the dryer? Can't you smell my dinner cooking? Didn't you have to step over my gardening tools? I'm busy.

I think I need a great big pentacle to hang on the front door. Maybe something huge, and sparkly, something about a witch living here, the witch is in, the witch has spells and will cast, trespassers will be toad. The witch takes offense to being annoyed on Saturday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Deskunk a Dog

You will need:
tomato juice
Dawn dish washing liquid
Baking soda
Hydrogen peroxide

Put on some old clothes that you don't care about (just in case) and gloves. Pour tomato juice all over the dog. Let the juice dry on. I know it sounds horrible. Tomato juice neutralizes the skunk spray. The idea is to soak in tomato juice, but your dog will probably never go for sitting in a tub.

After an hour or so, in a 5 gallon bucket, mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, Dawn, and water. I didn't measure anything. I was generous with the baking soda, and had about an inch of hydrogen peroxide, and I just kept pouring the Dawn in because I figured the more suds the better. I picked Dawn as my soap because it's used to clean oil off wildlife and it is a degreaser. If you use a different soap, make sure it has a degreasing agent. I filled the bucket about half full of water because it hurts my crooked back to carry a full 5 gallon bucket.

Wash the dogs. Be warned- tomato juice is a little harder to wash off than you think. It tends to stick to fur in small clumps. Let the soapy water dry on the dog.

Come back in an hour and wash the dog again. Now rinse. You will probably have to repeat the whole process again. Charlene got to come back in the house last night. Sophie still smelled. I'm washing her again today because after yesterday's baths I was too tired and I thought she needed a break. Kevin and I feel badly about leaving her in the pen, but OMG she smells. It's not as bad as when she got sprayed, but I don't think we could be in an enclosed space with her. Part of the problem is she was prayed in the face and I didn't wash Sophie as well as I should because I didn't want to get soap in her eyes.

Also, Sophie couldn't come in the house because Halona wanted to attack her. Halona knows skunk smell equals VERY BAD and Sophie smells BAD. I don't need a vet bill on top of this mess.

One more thing, Sophie is a black dog. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches. I was worried I'd turn her yellow-gold, but her fur is still the same color. Yay! Apparently it takes a lot to bleach a black dog. It might have changed her color if I had poured undiluted hydrogen peroxide into her fur. Just remember you're working with chemicals.

I used the same solution of Dawn, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water to mop the kitchen. That took care of the house. I was able to sleep normally last night.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It all started with a completely innocent question, the same question I ask most nights:

You want to let the dogs out one more time?

Oh, stupid me.

Kevin let the dogs out. I went to bed. In a few minutes, I heard him call Sophie. Then he called me. Before I got out of bed, Kevin was charging into the bedroom saying, 'You deal with it.'

There's not much Kevin doesn't deal with. I was trying to think of what nasty thing the dogs had dragged up. I was picturing a decomposed possum, with crawling maggots and exposed entrails.

I didn't get into the living room before the STENCH hit me.


I came back into the bedroom with both hands over my face. I gasped out, 'They have to sleep in the pen!' And then we were just staring at each other because neither of us wanted to go into the kitchen, but the longer we delayed the worse it would be.

Cough, choke, wheeze.

Sophie and Charlene attacked a skunk. Halona wisely didn't mess with it. Sophie got sprayed in the face. Charlene was just too close. Sophie and Charlene were in the house less than a minute, but we smelled skunk ALL NIGHT. Kevin said, 'Where's the Frebreeze?'

'What do you want me to do, spray the whole house?'


I sprayed Lysol. Nothing. I sprayed Frebreeze. Nothing. I lit THREE sticks of incense (all burning at the same time) and NOTHING would cover the smell. The incense only worked when I stood over it inhaling smoke. As soon as I walked away- Ack! When I was in Kroger something told me to buy incense and I ignored the voice because I had nearly a full pack. Now I wish I had gotten as much incense as I could afford and lit five or six sticks in every room.

I opened the doors and turned on all the ceiling fans but it didn't seem to help. Then the heater kicked on so I had to close the doors. The stink lingered all night. I slept with my head under the covers. Every once in a while, the covers would slide off and I would be assailed by the musty, chemical odor that seemed to hang in my throat. I slept very badly because Sophie wanted in. She barked non-stop. Then the coyotes started howling and BOTH dogs barked in terror. I banged on the window, woke Kevin up, and he said he was dreaming of skunks. Sigh.

I will be washing dogs all day. I should have started last night, but I just couldn't go out in the dark to bath skunky dogs. I think I should probably mop the kitchen too.

Here's some facts about skunks-

A skunk can be smelled from ONE MILE away.

Skunks can spray 15 fifteen feet.

Skunks are rare in Tallapoosa County (yeah, right)

Some people have the skunk's anal glands removed and keep the skunk as a pet. (Idiot)

The skunk's spray is defense against predators like bears. Bears stink. And the bear thinks the skunk stinks. Hoo-boy.

There are 3 warning stages. First, the skunk stamps its feet. Second, it turns around. Third, it looks over its shoulder. This is to line up the shot. That's right, it can aim its ass in any direction.

Some people swear tomato juice gets rid of the odor. Other people think you'd be better off keeping the tomato juice for the vodka so you can drink yourself out of misery. I don't know how much it would take to make me forget the stink of skunk, but I'm sure I'd need more than one bottle of Absolute.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I decided to have full moon sales. For the rest of March, enter coupon code STORMMOON19 for a 25% discount. In April, the sale will end, and I'll have a different discount for the Wind Moon.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Or at least back on speaking terms. Yes, the camera is working again. Yay! I have plans for the Etsy shop. Like my stuff? I'm thinking of changing out items every 2 weeks or so. I'm also planning some sales. Maybe a sale every full moon.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Said Unkind Things

about my camera and now it is not working. Stupid little thing.

I debated about this post (especially now that the camera is being uppity) because my problems are small compared to every thing else going on in the world. But, maybe, we need trivial things to distract us, so we don't become overwhelmed by tragedy.

I've been denied unemployment benefits twice, once for nothing to do with getting fired, and the second time they said I quit. I have been granted a telephone hearing. It's like a three way call kind of thing and if a party doesn't participate, the other party wins. Usually. The company says they are not going to participate and they have no wish to deny me benefits. What is supposed to happen is the payroll administrator will simply hang up and I'll start getting my money.

But I'm not sure. I can't believe I've been denied twice for two entirely different reasons, especially when those things have nothing to do with what happened. So today I wrote out everything again, outlined my case, and sent it priority mail. I feel like I'm being fucked with. The problem is, I don't know who's doing it. Is it the company or someone on the state's end? I have no idea how the telephone hearing will go. If I am denied a third time I can ask for a formal hearing.

I've been a ball of nerves. I hate not knowing what is going on. I hate people making decisions about me behind my back.

To settle my mind, I cleaned my kitchen. I was going to post pics of my spices in alphabetical order. (Yes, really!) I washed my sun catchers. I started cooking. I took a magickal bath. I even wore my witch hat just to be silly (I know you're totally bummed about missing that picture). I feel better, but I really want this thing over and done with. Being fucked with is very, very, very depressing.

Part of the problem is I don't know what to do, what direction to take. Should I double my job hunting efforts? Work part time? Full time? The Lioness swears she can get me on where she works, but do I want another factory job? Kevin wants me to stay home. It has been nice, but eventually I'm going to need some money, and then what? Everyone has a different idea and none of them seem exactly right for me. So what?

What? What? What?

Thoroughly lost, I read my tarot cards. The cards said I am in a good position right now, but I am not appreciating it. What does that mean? Let it ride? It will all work out? Pick whatever I want? How am I supposed to figure out what I want?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Calling All Good Witches

If you would like do some good, Japan really needs good witches right now. Start by lighting a candle (or lots of candles) and ask the souls of the dead find peace as they cross to the other side. Pray to the ocean goddess; ask for the water to recede. Make an offering to the earth goddesses so they won't be so angry. Sending healing energy to the wounded. Remember the rescue workers too. Pray for swiftness, so homes are quickly rebuilt. Imagine the whole of Japan (or any other part of the world) in a bright, gold circle or protection. And if you can send money, or food, or blankets, that's great too.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pics of Better Quilts (But Not Better Pics)

I hate my camera. I take a few dozen shots before one comes close to right and just forget about close-ups. I apologize for any blurriness.

Here is my ring of fire quilt. That's not a real block name, it's just what I'm calling it. It's not finished because the fusible web I used gunks up my needle, causing my machine to skip stitches. I don't know what to do about it yet.

This is a cheater quilt. It's one piece of fabric with printed quilt blocks. I started it to get back into the routine of quilting. I'm trying to do one block per day. I don't have plans for this quilt. Pink is so not my favorite color and this is not anything I would actually buy. I was given bags and bags of fabric. One bag had THREE of these pink quilts.

Several years ago, I bought 12 eight point star blocks at the flea market. I've quilted 3 blocks. They're all lovely, antique blocks and I really should finish them. Maybe one day.

Not a quilt. This is my rug, which I am making to go under my rocking chair. This is a really bad picture. The yarn is much prettier in real life. It reminds me of the sea with its green, blues, and seashell pink. I'll run out of my pretty sea yarn, and I'm yet to pick a color (or colors) to finish the rug. Maybe I need a deep blue.


Oya is a storm goddess. Obviously, She's a bit miffed today because lightning strikes every few minutes. It's very windy and my area is under a tornado warning. Every time it thunders all 3 of my dogs try to climb onto my lap.

When Oya is in a mood, it is wise to stay indoors. I'm trying to decide how badly I need to go to the store. It might be better to do without some things today.

It's Kevin's fault I didn't post anything yesterday. He called in. Whenever he is home he somehow manages to take up all my time. I don't mind too much, but I don't get anything done. Nothing. So later today I'll post pics of my better sewing projects. In the meantime, I'll keep an eye on Oya.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Not My Best Work

I don't like the monkey quilt. I think it came out too 'scrappy'. I couldn't put any monkeys on the red and black blocks because they faded into the red fabric. I put the parrots on the back. I think the whole thing is ugly. But it's done, so now I don't have to hear the monkeys calling me. Whew.

I got a lot done in the sewing room today. I worked on a lap quilt, made scrim, worked on a rug, cleared a pile off the floor, and found some red work I was looking for. I made major progress on my 'Storm at Sea' quilt. And I found my 'Ring of Fire' quilt top. I've done so much I decided to stop sewing for the day. Now I've got to fill out a job application and figure out what to cook for dinner.

I think tomorrow I'll post pics of my other projects, lest you look at those monkeys and think I can't sew.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Before the Monkeys get Out

First, I do read any comment left on my blog. I just haven't had to time to respond because I've been busy. It annoys me when I leave a comment and get no response/acknowledgment. I don't want to be that blogger. I was going to leave my own comment, but I thought it would be too long, then I didn't have a chance to post, and now I've forgotten what I wanted to say.

Moving on-

My unemployment benefits were denied based on something that had nothing to do with me getting fired. So I have started the appeals process and if I am denied a second time, I can appeal again and then we'll have a hearing. I do not think the company wants a hearing. I have plenty of evidence the company has done wrong, but they don't have much evidence that I am a bad employee. Several people have told me the company usually denies the first time in hopes that people will just give up. All have told me to appeal and most are still urging me to file a lawsuit. I really don't want to go to court, but I suppose I will if I have to.

In other, more exciting news, I cooked food from my very own garden last night! We had steamed Brussel sprouts, slow cooker ribs, and mac 'n' cheese. Kevin raved about it. He even liked the sprouts. They had a very nice color. I love going out and picking dinner two hours before I cook it. I want to grow more food. I've decided to try potatoes. I'm feeling adventurous.

I wanted to plant gourds today (very useful for crafting and making birdhouses. I love the birds) but it is raining here and will probably rain all day.

Now- about those monkeys...

When I was a child, I had a toy called 'Barrel of Monkeys' It was a red, plastic barrel filled with red, plastic monkeys. The monkeys' arms linked together. Several months ago, I was at my parents' house and I found the barrel of monkeys. I decided it would be great in an art quilt.

The monkeys have been sitting on my sewing table. I've been waiting for them to talk to me. Quilts tell me how they want to be made. I have an idea, I gather fabric, and then I wait. Sometimes the quilt starts talking immediately. Sometimes it takes a while. Most irritating is when the quilt changes its mind a few dozen times.

Two days ago, the monkeys finally spoke. I had been thinking red monkeys on black and white triangles, but they said no, too plain, too boring. They liked stripes. Black, red, blue, and few oddball colors thrown in for the hell of it, like pink.

They also want me to add parrots so they'll have someone to talk to.

I'm not sure about the parrots. I've been trying to get the stripes together. I do know I need to have a finished place for the monkeys to go before I open that barrel or they'll be all over the place.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Here Doggie, Come & Get It (If You Dare)

I spend a lot of money on dog food. A whole, whole, whole bunch of money. I have 3 Labradors and they EAT. Then they poop. But that's a different post.

I try to buy the biggest bag I can. Unfortunately, the store I usually shop in rarely carries the great big bag. They have the fairly large bag which barely lets my hungry girls eat for a week. I feed my dogs twice a day, plus treats. I feed Charlene twice the amount I feed Sophie and Halona because I'm trying to put weight on her ribs.

There's several problems. First, it's expensive. Second, the extra food doesn't seem to be sticking with Charlene. I rescued her on January 8, it's now March 1, and her ribs are STILL showing.

Thinking she might have worms, I wormed her. But she doesn't have any symptoms of worms. Wondering how long it takes a starved animal to recover, I asked my father the farmer. He said recovery would be twice as long as it took for her to get to that condition. If she starved 2 weeks, then a month before she gained weight back.

Okay, but it's been 2 months.

Maybe she needs a different kind of diet. Maybe she needs more protein.

I got online last night looking for recipes. What I found was why dog food was invented.

In a nutshell, the FDA rejected a big cereal company's grains. That cost them a lot of money. If they could just sell that moldy old grain, they could recap their lost. But the FDA said people couldn't eat it because they might get sick and die. What to do?

Turns out slaughterhouses were having a similar problem with rotting meat which was also rejected by the FDA. The cereal company and the meat people got together, combined the rotting products and made dog food. Then it was marketed to the American public as being 'wholesome' and 'healthy' for dogs.

I had to stop reading. I have NEVER fed my animals moldy anything. I have thrown out dog food that smelled funky. Rotting stuff goes in the compost bin or the trash, not in a dog's bowl.

Now I realized a long time ago that it was not the prime cuts of meat going into dog food. One of the big name brands brags about containing 'lamb'. Have you checked the price of lamb chops? Expen$ive. I figured the lamb was the lesser cuts of meat, probably the fat, and maybe the organs. Or maybe after the butcher cuts out the lamb chops they grind up the hide, bones, fat, organs, and whatever else to make kibble.

Corn is another big ingredient. But corn is people food and fuel. Corn is really useful. Corn is also food for horses,  cows, and pigs. Think of a ladder. At the top are people who want corn syrup, corn on the cob, and clean fuel. Next comes a farmer who wants to feed his hogs. The best corn is not going to become hog feed. If the not-so-great corn goes to the pig farm, what exactly does the puppy get? The husks? The empty cobs? The moldy stuff pigs wouldn't touch?

I realize I'm attempting to change more than my dogs' diet. I'm also fighting my own laziness. I don't like cooking for myself, am I really going to cook TWICE a day just for the dogs? I have been programmed to go to the store and buy the bright yellow bag of dog food. When that bag is empty the first thing I think is, what am I going to feed the girls?  

Too, I just bought dog food. The great big bag. I don't want to throw it out. I don't want to think about what it's made of either.

I think I'm going to try cooking for the girls once a week. Then maybe if that goes well I can cook two or three times a week. And maybe, eventually, buying dog food will be a rarity. Sort of like buying frozen chicken nuggets for those days when I don't have time to cook a 'real' dinner.

See? The humans aren't well fed either.