Thursday, October 28, 2021

Getting Closer

 Halloween draws closer. Halloween is my favorite holiday. My 6 year old is super excited. She wants to be a vampire bat. 

I am outside a lot during this time of year. The leaves are turning and falling. The air is cool, at least in the mornings. I gather acorns for spells, burn a lot of candles, stock up on black candles since they're finally everywhere and reasonably priced, and I cast spells. Lots and lots of spells. 

I ward the hell out of my house. I start repairing broken things. I do a major purge. I know we will be overburdened with gifts at Christmas and all of it has to go somewhere. Even if we insist on no gifts, stuff still comes to the house. 

I release things that no longer serve me. I banish problems. I banish the people who cause problems. I leave offerings in cemeteries, and send white light to troubled souls. I once left coins by a cemetery gate to pay for graveyard dirt and I started a trend- the rock column is piled with coins now. People leave spare change at the gate and they don't know why. The place is a local spot where teens tell horror stories and dare each other to go deeper into the woods. Beer cans liter the ground, but nobody will take the coins at the gate. 

I cook stews. I wrap up in quilts and turn on small lamps. I read thick novels. I put the garden to bed and bring in potted plants. I visualize goals turning into reality. I have soft music in the background. I watch movies that are too long. I listen to the wind that whispers, mutters, screams, and carries restless souls into shadows. 

Halloween is near. Are you ready?

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