Monday, November 1, 2021

It's Another Magick Monday

 It's the day after Halloween! Now we move into the new year. I always use these last two months as a winding down time. I take stock of my life and decide what changes to make. I throw out a lot of junk, and I make repairs on my house.

This year I am doing something different. I decided my changes should be about my health. I have several conditions- Type 1 diabetic, high cholesterol, back pain from the accident, and after Covid, I think my migraines came back. I've had two since getting the delta variant. 

I always know I need to do something about my health. I make plans, but usually I end up taking care of everyone else and ignoring my own needs. I have decided I need to come first, otherwise everything else falls apart. 

I started off this morning doing eye exercises. I did these before and my doctor said my vision did not change. He was surprised by that. I think he expected things to get worse. I don't want my eyes to get worse because I lost some nerve endings due to high sugar. So I am doing the exercises and hoping for the best. 

I am doing more with the hoops. And I started jumping on the trampoline again. I would like to go for walks, but I don't know how well that will work around here with creepy neighbors and high traffic. 

I am still reading the cards as pertaining to my emotions. This working well, it's a form of self-reflection. I can't control other people and sometimes being aware of what will happen does not mean I can avoid the drama. I tend to get dragged down no matter what I do. 

I am doing a holiday show! I was invited! Yay! I am still doing my stitch witch ritual and that is working wonderfully. I am staying focused. I am finishing things before the deadlines. I feel really good about the show. 

I will be back later with more results. Until then, blessed be.

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