Monday, August 3, 2020

It's Been a Long Weekend

My husband took Friday off. I got nothing done. I'm really glad today is Monday so I can get back on my normal routine. Or as normal as it can be since the pandemic. Everyone wants 2020 to end. There's no guarantee 2021 will be better.

I did manage to do Magick, more than I usually do. I was sewing and the thread kept breaking. I realized the thread was old. I loved the color, and didn't want to just throw away a spool. But breaking thread is no good. I also wanted to keep the spool, since it was wood. I started unwinding the thread from the spool. I pulled thread faster and faster. I started imagining people who cause me grief being tangled up, unable to reach me, or cause me harm. I started imagining my irritation going into the tangled thread. I felt lighter, freer. I tossed the thread in the trash with a little salt and called my troubles banished. 

A month ago, an individual created a problem. I did a curse to let them stew in their own bitterness. Friday night my husband told me the person had become obese. My spell worked. I redid the spell, but instead of aiming it at one person, I said anybody who wished me ill would suffer. I also did another spell to remove negativity. I'm sick of being surrounded by spite. Life is difficult enough without adding assholes to the mix. 

I worked with buttons. I finished a button doll. I haven't done anything with him yet, though an idea is simmering. I thought about making several button charms which I could empower when I needed a spell, but instead I made a charm to protect my money. I hung the charm on my bag and it looks great.

I worked on a scrap quilt. I made a lot of progress, though I still haven't put much of a dent in the fabric stash. I did clean the studio a bit, and we started some much needed electrical work, but ran out of weekend before the job was complete. 

I have been talking to my House. I figured out where to put potted plants so they wouldn't be knocked over, they would get enough light, and I could still have privacy. I haven't gotten the plants yet, but House is aware of my plan and is happy. Time occurs differently for buildings than for us humans. Buildings count dramatic moments, but not days. Buildings measure the years, which isn't that long for them. They also count the people, which can be good or bad, much like we have good or bad days.

I figured out some things with mirror Magick, but I haven't written it down or worked out all the details. I realized most of it after I hung up my star spell over my sewing cabinet. I have a lot of faith in that star. I made it right, because I feel good whenever I see it. I now want to make a larger version, but I have to buy supplies.

I decided to make some changes to my insulin. I've been struggling to find what works for me. I made small changes that are starting to pay off, but it will be a long time before I know if I made improvements. 

My lantern spell isn't working. I realized lanterns were coming up for a different reason. Light keeps roaches away. We have some symbolic roach problems in this country. I am going to refine my spell and try again. 

I'm not doing a reading today, because so much happened over the weekend that I am still processing it all. Tomorrow I hope to be back to normal. Energy is always high and a bit chaotic around Pagan holidays, whether people celebrate them or not.

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