Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tuesday's Cards

Today I'm reading with 2 decks. Both are ordinary playing cards. This is helpful for additional insight. Cards can have more than one meaning, and the meaning changes from reading to reading. The cards are reflectors of what's on your mind. Whether they are good or bad depends on what you immediately think when you see the card.
I shuffled until the 1 of diamonds fell out. I love this card and have used it for wall paper on my phone.

The corresponding ace of diamonds from the Dark Hearts deck has a vampire. With the first card, I thought maybe I should pay more attention to my thoughts. With the second card, I think maybe some thoughts are bordering on obsession. 

I shuffled again, asking what else I need to know and got the king of diamonds. Now this is interesting, going from one end of a suit to the other. This card always makes me think of anger, getting what you want at a heavy price, or maybe constantly fighting to keep what you have.
The King in the Dark Hearts deck is actually a woman. This makes me think of who really rules. It could also be someone is intimidated by a woman in power. 
Here's all the cards. I still see it as thoughts leading to obsession.

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