Friday, July 31, 2020

The 31st Stitch Witch Post of 2020

Happy Lammas, Dear Readers! I am still deep cleaning my house. My house feels happier. She wants more indoor plants, but I haven't quite worked out how to do this. I'm worried about pots getting knocked over. 

I want to start with a Tarot spread. I think planning ahead for winter is important, but I do want to remind you to enjoy the current season. It's still summer. You can enjoy wading in creeks and there's plenty of wonderful foods in the farmers markets. 

For today's Stitch Witch post, we have fabric pumpkins.
Not sure how these are made, but I like how they look.
Knitted dragons. Lammas is a fire festival, so now is a good time to do dragon Magick.
Or start a sweater for winter.
This says fall.
These remind me of chickens. I really like the leaves.
Pumpkins needn't be orange.
I really like the knot work stem. That looks like a spell.

Speaking of spells, I have an idea for one. I was looking at a magazine with an article on antique doll houses. Originally, doll houses were for adults to display miniature furniture. They were art pieces. In the Victorian era, wealthy housewives decorated doll houses as a creative outlet. And that got me to thinking, what if a doll house were a spell to manifest whatever you wanted in your life? Imagine having a little house on your altar and every room contained a symbol for your goals and dreams? Do you want to be a writer? Make a library filled with books you published. Want to spice up your love life? Start decorating the doll house bedroom. Want a healthier lifestyle? Put veggies in the kitchen. Buy a doll to be your cook. Want to be promoted at work? Create an office in the doll house. Put play money on the desk, or tools associated with your job.

I suppose if the doll house were big enough, you could decorate the rooms according to astrology houses. Or maybe paint the rooms in bold colors to represent chakras. Or you could have rooms matching different areas of your life. A room for friends, a room for family, a room for hobbies, a room for work. There's a lot of possibilities. 

If the doll house seems a bit much, you could scale it down to journal with coloring pages and notes about what you wish to achieve. There is a coloring page for literally every single thing you can think of. I'll give you a Goddess themed page to get you started.

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