Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Magick Thru Cards

Today started off rough. I kept hearing a strange beeping noise. Thinking the boys had an electronic device in their bedroom, I got up to check and discovered they didn't clean their room like I told them. Already annoyed about the mysterious beeping, annoyed at being awake so early in the morning, I made them clean. This resulted in a lot of attitude. But the room is finally clean. I still haven't found the source of the beeping. 

Let's move on to the cards.
Reading my favorite deck.
This card fell out. 
At the same time, my daughter was playing with flash cards. She was holding up a card with 9's on it. I couldn't get a clear picture, so I finally took a pic of some of the flashcards. But I find it very interesting that a 9 fell out and she was holding alphabet flash cards with 9's. Nine is a Goddess number. I have 9 squares in a rug I am making. Maybe I should focus on the rug. I turned it into a spell. The day started with behavior problems. 9 might be the solution.
While I wondered about the number 9, several cards fell in my lap.
They are 7 of hearts, 8 of hearts, 4 of spades, and the bonus card. 7 plus 8 is 15, plus 4 is 19. 
And while I was writing my daughter laid the flashcard on the table.
I will try to do a follow-up post on this. I'm curious how things will play out. 9 is usually a good number. I can't think of any negative associations.


FreeDragon said...

Update- as soon as I published this post, I saw my daughter was holding a flashcard with key on it. The Universe is sending strong messages this morning.

Fluffy said...

It certainly is xx