Tuesday, July 28, 2020


For Lammas I have started deep cleaning the house. I've been on the living room since Sunday. I've gotten a lot done, but there's still one area that isn't quite finished. Since I'm focusing on my home, I thought today I'd do a reading about the house.
This came from Pinterest where I have a whole board about Tarot. I need to start writing some of this down so I can apply the knowledge. I tend to forget about different spreads. This is a 6 card spread, laid out in a triangle, and vaguely looking like a roof. Since it doesn't require you to find specific cards, it can be used with any deck.
The positions are:
1. My current relationship with my home
2. Energy I feel when I'm in my home
3. Something I could do to feel more relaxed in my home
4. A color I should incorporate into my home
5. Something I should remove from my home
6. How I can show gratitude for my home. 
I'm using the Dragon Tarot deck. I started shuffling and looking around my living room. I wondered what the house would tell me. Immediately, a card fell out.
It was the Queen of Cups. I thought that was fairly accurate. The card did fall out reversed, but that doesn't surprise me. I know I have some issues to work through. Since I am trying to improve, I turned the card right side up. And when I took a picture, what was clear in the camera was blurry, indicating removing obstacles won't be easy. I just laid out the first 5 cards on the deck rather than shuffle. The House was speaking.
Again, clear in the camera wasn't clearly captured.
Position 2 is 2 of Coins. Position 3 is 10 of Wands.
Position 4 is 4 of Wands, reversed. Position 5 is 4 of Wands. Position 6 is 3 of Wands. 

I find it interesting how closely card numbers are to position numbers. Half the cards being Wands worries me. I feel there is too much anger in my house.
But, aside from the Queen, only one card is reversed. I may not be thinking clearly on this matter.

Here are the positions again with my cards:
1. My current relationship with my home- Queen of Cups
2. Energy I feel when I'm in my home- 2 of Coins 
3. Something I could do to feel more relaxed in my home-  10 of Wands
4. A color I should incorporate in my home- 4 of Swords, Reversed 
5. Something I should remove from my home- 4 of Wands 
6. How can I show gratitude for my home- 3 of Wands 

I think I should start talking to the house, and listen to what she says. 
I feel the energy is supportive, but perhaps I should focus more on how my husband and I function in the house.
I think I need to let go of stress. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with cleaning.
I haven't really put much thought into colors. I liked how the house was painted when we moved in and I never wanted to change anything. I could add color with rugs and other accents.
This one is a no brainer. 
This card is a bit odd. I thought at first it had to do with anger issues, but now I think maybe it's actual fire. We have several burn piles around the yard. Piles of yard waste attracts pests. Possibly the house would be happier if we used the fireplace more.

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