Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Morning

 Good morning, my dears. I am moving very slowly this morning. We had several severe thunderstorms yesterday. I tried to sit on the couch and sew. I couldn't stitch for very long because it hurt to sit. And it hurt to lay down on the heating pad. I had nausea. So I gave up on sewing and started watching a movie. I took a muscle relaxer, which made me confused. I woke up with slightly less pain, but I don't want to do anything because I think the pain will amp up.  

Today is payday, so I am supposed to go pay bills and buy groceries. I think I will wait until my husband comes back from the doctor. He has an ear infection. He's been home sick since Wednesday. If he's home with our daughter, I can move as slowly as I need to and rest in the car for as long as I want. I can take my walking stick, wear my tennis shoes, and not talk to anyone unless I absolutely have to. 

I had a wonderful plan for art. I finished a couple of things yesterday, before the pain got too intense. I tried to list art for sale on DeviantArt, but it required tech savvy that I've never done before. So I put that aside until I can figure it out. Then I checked FB and found an ad for an Etsy alternative. That one had nothing but bad reviews. I found yet another site, but it didn't have much reviews, good or bad. I bookmarked the site so I could watch it myself. I searched for quilts, just to see how much they were going for, and I realized the way we photograph quilts for sale is flat and boring. There is nothing about the quilt photograph that conveys warmth or comfort or love. I'm not sure how to resolve that problem, but I know never again will I photograph any of my quilts laying flat for the primary photo. 

This is the photo I use for my Etsy shop. The quilt is hanging on the wall. Mirrors are also hard to photograph, and mine get more attention when I photograph them reflecting myself or one of my children. These are things I will be considering between now and the summer solstice, when I remake the banner for my Etsy shop. 

I have sat too long at my desk. My back is starting to hurt. Since my schedule has become so disrupted, I may not do a studio Sunday post this weekend. I'd like to actually write, have a logically planned post with a clear beginning, middle, and end with complete sentences and good photos. Maybe even explore a subject in depth, and articulate my thought and feelings. For instance-
This star has gotten some 241 views on DeviantArt. Which made me reconsider the art I am posting. Maybe I should lean heavier into textiles. Or, are people looking at it because they can't tell what it is from the thumbnail? But it also has more likes than anything else in my gallery, so IDK. 

Blessed be, my dears. I'll write again when the pills wear off. Stay safe and well.

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