Monday, April 1, 2024

Monday Edition of Studio Sunday

 I did not forget. I even took pictures on Saturday so I could write the post. I had a brief moment on Sunday morning when I thought I could write, but I wanted to take care of the garden first. And then, of course, more things happened, I got busy, and I never wrote.

So what had me occupied all weekend? An estate sale of sorts. It's free because the property is under contract and all the belongings need to go. We went on Saturday afternoon, got a lot of stuff, because my husband, bless his heart, cannot resist the allure of free. We came back on Sunday and got even more stuff. I have spent a lot of time cleaning and organizing to make room for this stuff that we didn't need.

All the stuff was in a huge metal building. It looked like a warehouse. There was a lot of hardware store displays, and bins for car parts. I think the owner used to either work in stores, or he was the supplier for the stores. Oddly, there was lots of kitchen items in the building. I found this set of cookie jars. Everything is the building was dusty, so I had to scrub the jars. For some reason, two of the lids were not stored with their cookie jars, so the insides were equally dusty. Every time I leave from that place, I want to shower as soon as I get in the truck. I always feel horribly gritty and gross. 
80's Xmas decor and a "crystal" (it's cheap glass) candy dish. The dish was still sealed in the box. I thought it was actually crystal. I was so disappointed. But, due to the tarnish, I think the little tree is real silver. Or at least silver plated, because it isn't very heavy. The glass tree I got for nostalgia. Everybody's grandma had these glass candy dish trees in the 80's. The base is missing, but I'm fine with that because I really dig the little tree. 
I got a few books, including The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. I have not figured out where these books are going to reside on my already full shelves. That I just cleaned and organized last week. I was so proud of myself for making almost all of the books I bought at the library book sale fit. Now it doesn't matter because I have more books than bookcases. Sigh. Book lover problems.
This is hands down the absolute coolest thing I found. I got this on Sunday. We did not look in the potting shed on Saturday because we were distracted by all the stuff in the shop/barn. Sunday, I went in the potting shed first. I thought it was just a random pot until I noticed the Celtic knots. I looked closer and saw the duck head spirals. Intrigued, I picked it up. When I realized how heavy it is, I finally figured out I was holding hand made pottery. I think this coil pottery that someone carefully carved the knots on before the pot was fired. It is so beautiful. I love it. There is dirt inside, so it was used for plants. I am going to use it for garden magick. I have to. It's so perfect. So much care went into making this. I know whatever grows in this pot will be a powerful spell. It also needs a special place in the garden. I am terrified it will be broken, so I set it in the house, and then I worried that our pets would chase each other and knock over my beautiful, magick pot. I have been stressing this. I feel the pot isn't safe in the house, but I don't know where to put it. I suppose that is the price for taking another Witch's magick, even though she died years ago. And I couldn't just leave it; no one else would love this like I do. Goddess, help.
Now, on to actual fiber art:
I know, this is metal. Friday morning, I went to DollarTree. I wanted this, though I didn't know why. Then I went to my fiber group meeting at the art center. Some of the local school children had woven yarn on paper plates. It was nicely done and several of us decided we wanted to weave. After the meeting, I went back to DollarTree to buy the wheel. I have started weaving a spider web. I thought I would finish this by Sunday, but that was before I knew about the estate sale. 

Besides moving most of my things to make room for more stuff, we decided our children need to switch bedrooms. Which means ALL of their things will move from one room to another. There's several good reasons to do this, such as the boys getting a bigger room with a bigger closet, my daughter gets a better window sill for her plants, and I get to deep clean everything while clearing out old, unused clothes. I think the timing of all of this has to do with the upcoming eclipse. I was reading about what to expect. This matches perfectly with out current life patterns. I wonder if I could plant something in my magick pot during the eclipse? Oh, the power...

Blessed be, my dears. Stay safe and well.

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