Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

 Good morning, my dears! 

I feel a little weird today. I had strange dreams most of the night. It was hard to wake up this morning. My husband also had a difficult time getting up. Right now I sort of feel like I do when I take medication that makes me sleepy, such as pain pills or benadryl. However, I didn't take anything last night. I definitely have that thick, cotton-headed feeling, complete with dry mouth and heavy limbs. 

Youngest Son works in a chicken fast food chain. A vape shop is across the street from his job. I picked him up from work last night and he seemed to be high. He was very giggly and asking me random questions. 

Vaping has been a problem with both boys. Youngest Son got expelled for having a class 8 vape, which is the kind you can add marijuana to. Youngest Son is 16. But the vape shop, which caters to college kids, is right in front of him 3 or 4 days a week. I'm sure he gets his older co-workers to buy for him. 

I know the boys have been vaping in the house. Over the weekend, the entire side of the house where the boys' room is located, reeked of tobacco. Middle Son's pillow smells like a pack of cigarettes. I have been watching the boys dart into their bedroom, then I hear them fumbling around, then they try to smother a coughing fit. They stand off to the side and whisper. They have repeated arguments about 'whose turn.' Middle Son has addiction issues and no self-control, which seems to be irritating his brother. 

Last night, I kept hearing noise. I woke up several times because I thought I could hear videos playing. Each night, their school issued Chrome Books are on the desk. Before, they left the Chrome Books in their book bags. So I think since we don't allow cell phones in the bedroom, the boys sit up with their Chrome Books doing goddess-knows-what. And they vape. So what was in the vape that caused me and my husband to drag around like zombies? Or is it just that we didn't start the night with undisturbed sleep? 

Teenagers suck dishwater. One star. Do not recommend. 

On to other things:

I read over some old posts this morning. I read our Easter of 2015 when my in-laws seemed bound and determined to ruin the holiday. They are still like that. Nothing has changed. We stopped participating in family events. A few years ago, they crashed our Labor Day cookout. During the day, I set up an art show. I was gone the whole day. That evening, we grilled ribs. Dinner was almost ready, when the in-laws arrived uninvited. It was Will's parents, his sister, and her friend. They brought extra food, which was uncooked, because Middle Sister is allergic to tomatoes and thus doesn't eat barbecue sauce. They made Youngest Son finish cooking our ribs, then scrub the grill, then cook chicken. Will decided we would wait until the chicken was done so we could all eat together. Dinner was delayed by 45 minutes. While Youngest Son grilled, our uninvited guests sat on my couch and watched TV. Once we finally got to the table, mother-in-law sent the boys next door repeatedly to get things she 'forgot.' She finally admitted it was just too much to carry. I asked why didn't she pack everything in the car. She got really annoyed with me. After that, I tried to make sure we went out of town for every holiday, or at least celebrate with friends that my in-laws didn't know. At that point, they started friending EVERYONE on my FB friends list. We are down to one friend who didn't accept their request. She has a pool. They keep urging us to invite her over so they can meet her. Fortunately, she is an ER nurse and usually has an ironclad excuse. 

I also read a post about magickal powders. I haven't made a powder in a long time. I haven't explained how I do magick in a long time either. I have sort of backed off of posts like that because no one is willing to accept that's just the way I do things. Now I feel like I need to prove that I'm qualified to share my knowledge, or that I need to prove it isn't appropriated. Every Witch has their own unique connection to their Magick, and I really wish the people living on the edge of society, who don't fit in with the normies, would stop trying to make everyone conform to an elite ideal of magickal practitioners. 

Speaking of elite magick users- I think CEO's are the new wizards. Both can be found at the top of towers. The tower is where they work, but they seem to live there as well. Everyone agrees the wizard/CEO is powerful, but no one knows exactly what they do. Both are generally thought to have been educated at an old school which the common folk rarely attend because it is off limits. It is not easy to see the wizard/CEO; one must have a good reason to get an appointment and there are several admittance barriers along the way. Both obviously have people/servants working for them in the tower, but these people are almost never seen. When the wizard/CEO makes a rare public appearance, people clamor around them fan girling over a glimpse. We know something major is in the works, we just don't know all the details. 

Every full moon, I put new coloring spells under the glass on my studio desk. The studio is my tower, except I'm a Witch, so it's a cottage by the hedge. Here's this moon's spell-

It's not completely finished. I'm not going to tell you what the spell is, but I will say I have started doing a lot of Dragon Magick. I am trying to transform situations/problems into things that will suit me, so I suppose this is Alchemy, though I do not think of myself as an Alchemist. 

I also changed my desktop background:
Every time I see my computer, I think of dragons and the spells I am doing. I repeat some chants to myself. I chose this picture because I needed a road opener. Infinite possibilities are always good. 

I have been sewing, I have two quilts finished. I will show these on Studio Sunday. 

I sold a dozen eggs yesterday. Yay! Closer to my farm produce stand! I still have to put lettering on my sign. I sanded it down, then repainted it black. I'm going to make smaller signs to hang over the big one for when I've sold out of eggs. When I have the actual tent set up, I am going to make a big sign with dragons and Celtic knots advertising my art. My current sign is in rough shape because the wood is starting to rot, but I didn't have a new sign ready to go, and I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted on the sign. So I patched and mended for now. I have not mentioned my plans to my in-laws. Every single time I tell them I want to do something in the yard, they tell me it won't work. Doesn't matter if I am planning a garden, building a chicken pen, pruning trees, or landscaping, they are completely against it. They will list every thing that could possibly go wrong. That's why I have chosen several different sites for the tent; I know I will have to move it at least once. 

As for moving to Homestead- yes, eventually. I don't know when that will be. I went no contact with my mother. I'm sure she will pop up when she wants something. I have made plans for living/working at Homestead. I am not even trying to do those things. I have also thought about what we will do if we are forced to move to a new location. We won't be able to stay here. At some point, we will be forced off the land because my in-laws can't behave. But I know what to do, so I'm not worried. 

That's all for now. Blessed be. Stay safe and well. 

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