Thursday, May 13, 2021


 Good morning! 

Life is just humming along. I haven't gotten my book yet. It was supposed to be here Tuesday. Did not arrive yesterday either. Probably, Amazon is unwise in allowing customers to track packages. Yesterday I discovered my package was shipped from Tennessee, went to Atlanta, and then to Texas. Which pissed me off because I live in Alabama. Don't send my packages past my house. I don't know why in the hell they didn't send it to Montgomery. I guess that would have made too much sense. I looked again this morning, and the package has left Atlanta for the second time. Atlanta is an hour's drive from here. Maybe it will actually come to my house this afternoon. Maybe. I'm not holding my breath. 

My husband is taking me to an indoor flea market this afternoon. If things look good, I may rent a booth. I am a bit apprehensive about it because I tried to rent there a few years back. I was going in jointly with my sister-in-law. I called, asked, found out a vendor was leaving in September and we could have their spot. Great! So we waited. And waited. And waited some more. I called back, spoke to the same person, and he was just dumbfounded that we were waiting on a booth that wasn't available. He denied telling me anyone was leaving. 

I don't know what happened. The whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth, so I scrapped the idea. For a while, I thought maybe my sister-in-law had sabotaged the whole thing. She's done stuff like that before. Right after that, she went in with mutual friends and sold her crochet at a different flea market that is more focused on art. And then one friend screwed over the other two, leaving them holding the bag of unpaid bills. 

This time, I am going solo. I am not as picky about booth space or where the booth is located. I haven't mentioned anything to the in-laws. My trip today is just to scope things out, not to start renting. I may get in there and decide it isn't a good place for me. I have an entirely different product. I have a few plans for set-up and marketing. I already have inventory ready to go. And it has been a few years, so probably the person I dealt with before isn't there anymore. If he is, he probably won't remember me because we only spoke on the phone. I have a different number now. I think I'm safe. 

In other news, I have started using my altar. All my books fit on the bottom shelf, though I had to turn some on their spines because they were so tall. I can read my cards on the floor. I can store works in progress on the top shelf, and I can use the middle shelf for spell work. I need to get another mirror. I love casting spells on top of a mirror. I prefer a big one, but a small mirror in the center of the working will do in a pinch. 

I made a couple of pendulums out of the ball and claw charms I posted here a couple of weeks ago. I also made a case for them so they can travel safely wherever I go. They work great. I love them, I love that I am having success with tools I made, and I love seeing how events unfold after I made my predictions. Witchcraft can be really fun at times. 

In family life, we are sending the older boy to summer school. I was against that at first, because after he fails from not doing classwork, I see no point in paying for him to fail summer school. But this year summer school is totally free. He goes Monday through Thursday for 5 hours a day, is served lunch, AND a bus will transport him back and forth. My husband and I decided it was totally worth it. Plus it gets him out of the house. When he's not here there is less arguing and far less mess. 

Sewing is going very well. Mirrors do not take nearly as long to make as quilts. Mirrors do not require me to be hunched over a sewing machine, so I have less back pain. I tend to make fewer mistakes with needlework, and when I do make a mistake it is very obvious immediately and easier to fix. The mirrors are also easy to carry, so I can work while waiting in car lines or in doctor's waiting rooms. Working in public means people notice my work, ask what I am doing, and occasionally I can sell a mirror on the spot, which is very rewarding. 

So that's pretty much everything at the moment. Hopefully things will remain calm for a while. Until next time, blessed be.  

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