Thursday, August 6, 2020


I don't feel well today. I woke up with a low. I started a vegetarian diet yesterday. It is naturally low carb. My sugar was 160 at lunch. I ate veggies and didn't take insulin. An hour later, I was still hungry. I ate mixed nuts. An hour after that, my sugar was still falling and I was getting light-headed. I ate 5 Oreos because I needed carbs. I took an afternoon walk. I did not follow the diet at dinner because only I am doing it; my family still eats whatever they want. But I ate less. Now my body thinks I'm dying. That's why when I woke up drenched in sweat, my meter didn't give me a number. It just said LO. Probably I will need to adjust my insulin. Again. 

I was supposed to eat fruit and toast for breakfast this morning. I was worried that wasn't enough carbs. I had oatmeal. I'm cold now. I feel drained. This is why diabetics can't lose weight. I changed 1 meal and I have been dealing with my body's reactions ever since. Somehow, I've got to keep making changes. 

So I don't feel like reading the cards today. Yesterday, I wrote Friday's Stitch Witch post, and next week is in the works. I've been thinking about my Witches & Magick series. I'm pretty sure we will be in the midst of another wave of Covid on top of cold and flu season. I would like for this year to be special. I'm not sure how to do it. 

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