Friday, June 16, 2023

Hemp Oil Pills


Good morning. my dears. This is what I am taking to keep me calm. A couple of years ago, I gave them to my sons because they had anger issues. It was summer, so I gave each of them one at lunch. I lied to them, telling them it was a multi vitamin to help them grow. After lunch they were totally chill. They also slept better. I stopped when youngest son started playing football. I wasn't sure if it would show in a drug test, and I didn't want him getting kicked off the team for a choice I made without his consent. 

I started taking the hemp seed oil yesterday. I can no longer find it in stores. I had to order from Amazon. I only got overwhelmed once yesterday. Overall my mood seems more stable. 

My blood sugars seem better, but I started taking insulin then hula hooping to get the insulin moving through my body. I am not sure that the hemp seed oil helped my sugar, but it would be great if it did. It was easier to wake up this morning, but I took less sleeping pills last night. 

It is also easier to figure things out. I believe that's more of not being weighed down by stress so I am clear headed. 

I haven't noticed a change in appetite, but it's only been 24 hours and three pills. 

Activity wise, I cleaned the glass. I discovered a cloudy spot that won't come off. I decided I like it; gives the glass an antique look. I started coloring spells, and I took an athame to the studio so I can cast circles and direct energy. I am thinking of reviewing the spells every full moon to keep energies from going stagnant. I also stayed on top of housework, and I solved a gardening problem. 

I really hope this works out for me. I had some itching, but not as bad. If I scratch less, my skin will heal. Wellness is so much easier than unknown conditions. Having illness weighs oppressively. 

Blessed be, my dears. I will be traveling this weekend, but I have already scheduled a post for Sunday. Stay safe and well.

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

I hope the hemp seed works for you and love the idea of the glass with sigils or spells underneath fluffy x