Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Witch Wednesday- Tower Times


Today's card is the Tower. Everything falls apart when the tower shows up. The old way is crumbling so there will be room for the new. Yesterday, a lot happened.

I still haven't done anything about the mess. I was gone most of yesterday. First, I went to Homestead and worked in the greenhouse. I pulled up my dead tomato plants. I raked up mulch, killed a few weeds, and organized my garden tools. I covered my aloe plants. They are loving the greenhouse. I continued cleaning down the sides, and made a decision about storing flower pots. I also decided what to do about the mango plant, but I didn't get to that. Mom wasn't home. I finally left because I was getting tired and I needed to take insulin. Met Mom on the road. Left my daughter with her. Tried to tell her I was going to Tallassee but she wouldn't listen. My mother is self-absorbed. She doesn't care what I do. So I just don't tell her stuff. More on this later.

Today I am going to clean my prisms. These are hanging in the center of my house to promote good health. I am absolutely fed up with diabetes, allergies, and pain. I am going to make some changes. Step one is renewing this spell.

A good thing! The billiards catalog I requested came in the mail. I have only flipped thru half the pages. 

This is the plant my cousin gave me. She calls it Big Mamma Plant because her grandmother had them everywhere. When she gave me this plant, I realized this is powerful Magick. I am treating the plant as a familiar. I did this before with other plants in my garden. It worked very well. 

I asked Big Mamma Plant to help me with my Etsy shop. She did not understand at first, but she understands prosperity. Shop views have gone up. 

If I had a brick and mortar store, every day I would open my shop. I would sweep, tend potted plants, make sure everything was neat and ready for customers. I am attempting something similar with my Etsy shop. I pull up my shop, walk by with Big Mamma, hold her in front of the computer, and ask her to find me customers. Then I take my Witch broom and sweep the computer screen. I bless my listings. I see what has been viewed the most. I am going to see what is trending on Etsy; if need be, I will change my listings or key words to match. Eventually, I will probably add in more spell work like burning incense or offerings left to gods of commerce. 

Now, for the rest of what happened yesterday- 

I finally got to meet my new lawyer in person, and I signed my contract. My husband is also included, so he can talk to my attorney. I found out my old lawyer never signed the contract that I had with him. My case is odd, but he thinks he can get State Farm to settle. We think none of my medical bills were paid. I thought my old attorney paid them with the intent of having the insurance pay him back. I had no idea nothing had been paid, so imagine the shock and horror of being hit with that debt later when I thought everything was done. This is another thing I am pissed off about. But things are finally moving forward, and I can get this resolved.

I had to be in Tallassee at 2pm. I left at a quarter to 5. Then I had to drive home. I sent my mother a text telling her what was going on. As I was typing, my father-in-law called to say Mom was at my house. 

I called Mom. No answer. I thought she just didn't hear the phone. I sent a few more texts and tried calling as we made our way home. No answer. She didn't try to call me. She didn't read any of the texts. I finally gave up. When I got to Homestead, she yelled at me because obviously I wasn't at the doctor. I never said I was. I tried to tell her I went to see my attorney. She interrupted. She told me it didn't do any good for me to call 23 times. I asked why she didn't answer. Said the phone didn't work. I used her phone to call mine and it worked just fine. She doesn't know how to use the phone. She told me she was getting a new phone. I walked out. Got in the truck. Started telling hubby what happened. Mom came out and yelled at me to leave. So we left. 

I am just tired. Mom never listens to me. I can't tell her anything. I don't have any support from her. She fights me on everything. I don't want to try and fix our relationship. I am 45 years old and I have never gotten along with her. I realized that I do not expect anyone to talk things out with me when they are mad. When someone gets mad at me, I just assume the relationship is over. I think they will always be mad. Because my mother has been mad with me my entire life. I don't know what peaceful resolution looks like. 

This is my tower time. Stuff is falling apart. Things are falling into place. I am making decisions about what I want in my life. I am letting go of what no longer serves me. 

Blessed be, my dears. Stay safe.


Oracle Foxlyn Wren said...

I feel this post. Tower Times.

Fluffy said...

I got the tower card for this month, and it was as expected 🙄 sending you a virtual hug x