Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Baby Steps Are Still Progress

 Well my dears, I have started backsliding.

I tried to organize. I had everything grouped into similar piles on the bed. Then my husband came home, laid down, and kept kicking a pile of art. So I put all of it on the floor. 

I did get all the plastic canvas sorted. I wanted to store it in the yellow box, but sadly the box is just a tad short. But all the plastic canvas fit in the red boot box. I wanted to use the boot box for quilt storage, but since the plastic canvas went in, I had no place for the quilts. This is how the piles started acumilating on the bed. I am certain that I have enough space for all my works-in-progress. I just need to fine tune things. Somehow. 

I gave up on using my bulletin board as feng Shui. Now it is primarily tool storage. Which also needs fine tuning. 

I believe I have managed to work in Witchcraft throughout my day. I now cast spells without really thinking about it. Our financial woes are vastly improved. Money Magick had almost become my sole focus. With more money flowing in, other areas of life improved. There is less stress now, so we are all happier. We have better food, and we can afford to get all of our Rx's. The bills are caught up. Will got our auto insurance lowered. Don't ever let anyone tell you that money doesn't matter, or that money can't buy happiness because money sure as hell buys well-being. Money equates to food, housing, health, and social status, so yeah, money does buy happiness. 

So, to get back to my point- I did all this spell work for money, now I am going to do the same thing with art. 

I am working on 2 different shows right now. Plus I have my Etsy shop. Since the money spells have been successful, I intend to carry that same energy into my art. I have already put Magick into my art, and used sewing as spells, but I seem to get stalled. It's like building a fire on a cold day, but it just won't catch. The fireplace is clean, there's plenty of wood, but it won't burn. I feel like I have all the tools; I am waiting for something to happen. 

I'm tired of waiting. I'm going to make something happen. If I start pouring energy into my art like I did with our money, I am sure things will change. 

What are you focused on? Blessed be.

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