Tuesday, August 2, 2022


 Good morning, my dears. Yesterday was stressful, so I am in retreat mode today. I thought taking care of my house and making it more comforting would be the best course of action. Unfortunately, money is tight right now, so our internet is off. I will get it back Friday. I am blogging via my phone, which won't let me upload pictures. And I had lovely things to show you. I have been quilting and reading today. I cleaned the kitchen and decided to make cookies. I found a spell jar I want to try. So many nice things. But it will have to wait. 

In other good news, I finally got a steroid shot and Rx for allergy meds, so the itching stopped. I went to a new doctor and she actually listened to me, yay! I got treatment without having to wait for tests to be sure I was right about my body. Just being believed was a huge relief. 

I won't try to post until the cable bill is paid. I just wanted to let all 3 of you know I am okay and dealing with my stress quietly. Blessed be.

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

I'm sure there are more than 3 of us 😂 I've followed you for about 10 years now and am so glad that you have continued to post as I continue to enjoy reading your blog. You have had a lot of stress and I hope you have some sort to help you through it. Fluffy xx