Saturday, August 6, 2022


 I didn't get the Internet back yesterday. We had so much money going out that we were broke as soon as the paycheck hit the account. Stress seems to be amping up across the board. I did finally get to talk to a different attorney, and I got some of my questions answered. And I tried calling my lawyer to set up a teleconference so he has the chance to clear the air before I fire him. Instead of just setting up the teleconference appointment, the receptionist took a message and said someone would call me, but no one did. So I guess Monday I will fire my attorney and start over. Which sucks, but I don't feel like I have a choice. 

I have been sewing. I am not adhering to a schedule. I am not trying to finish projects or make things to sell. I just sew. Interesting things come out.

I have a small container garden on the porch. It is the only thing about my house that I like. Everything else seems to be a struggle. 

We expanded the pony's area. He is happier. 

Supposedly I get paid soon. That will help.

Blessed be.

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