Friday, December 10, 2021

December Updates

 I have had the first surgery on my neck. I got up really early, we drove, and about half way there, traffic on the interstate was at a complete standstill. For two miles. We sat for an hour. I finally got to the office 10 minutes before the surgery was scheduled, and I was supposed to be there an hour and a half before for prep. They pushed everything back. The surgery itself did not take long. I went in the OR at five minutes before 12 and was out at 12:15. 

The anesthesiologist was also held up by the same accident, but she came by right after it happened, so she only sat in traffic for 20 minutes or so. She told me there is an accident every single morning and the only way to drive straight through is to be on the interstate before 5am. I am thinking of getting a hotel room for the second surgery and not be on the interstate at all. 

I feel better now. The day of and the day after, my neck was stiff. But it doesn't hurt, not even with all the rain we're having. I feel really hopeful that the pain will soon be gone forever.

I had to reschedule my mother's consultation for cataract surgery since it was the same day as my back surgery. The closet I could get her in is February. She has calmed down a good bit, but now we are back on the not moving since she doesn't want to do anything until after her surgery. This means I cannot plan anything. I am just hoping the in-laws don't do anything spiteful that forces us into moving unexpectedly. 

Middle Sister pitched a fit over piano lessons. She added me in a group text, and since I have her blocked, I don't see any of the texts, just my husband's responses. He didn't respond right way because he left his phone on the other side of the room and didn't hear the text notification. His sister called him rude for not responding immediately. Then she got mad because first, the lesson had been scheduled for earlier in the week, and second, because she was texting me too but I didn't respond. My husband got really mad and decided youngest son would not be taking anymore piano lessons. I actually wrote a good bit on the group text. I flat out said I had blocked both Middle Sister and mother-in-law for hanging up on me, and they would stay blocked until they apologized in person. I object to being treated like a door mat, and I expect both of them to admit fault and be mature adults. 

Everything stopped. Not one more text was sent that day or the next. I was really happy the snarky comments stopped. My husband's family causes him a lot of grief. It bothers me that I cannot stop it. So quiet on all fronts is great. Like I said, I never see any of the texts, but Will does tell me about them, usually when I ask why he is upset. 

That was not the end of it. Nor was mature behavior demonstrated. Instead, mother-in-law convinced some distant relatives to unfollow me on Facebook. I did not notice this until Will's aunt came up as a person I may know. Since I was already friends with her, I didn't understand why Facebook was telling me I may know her. Then I realized it was a passive-aggressive attempt of "I'll show her!" Expect I didn't notice for days because I rarely have anything to do with the aunt. And a long time ago I had stopped following most of my husband's family because they are annoying and they post really dumb shit on Facebook. So I guess the only change is none of them will be commenting on any of my posts, which I think is great because their comments are annoying. 

Our internet has been down all week, so I have barely been on social media anyway. I am trying to handle business on my phone, but that doesn't work so well. Currently, I am on my desktop with my phone connected by USB with the phone's hotspot on, but the connection is slow, and if the site has too many graphics, it won't load. I can get to blogger, but not pinterest. Some things on Facebook loads, and some don't. This morning I could look at notifications, but not videos, and not groups. 

We got a used trailer that we are rebuilding, and then that will be my mobile store for craft fairs and art shows. I am currently trying to figure out inventory and making banners to announce my shop. Once the trailer is complete, I would like to go straight into selling rather than wait until I have something ready to sell. I have already figured out where and when, plus I have the entire interior set up even though the trailer currently doesn't have walls. I sat on the floor with my sewing journal and sketched everything out. I measured, figured out walls and storage, and the best way to travel with the least amount of set up. I have a marketing plan. I also have a plan for when I am not on the road. And the trailer isn't ready yet. 

Next week, we will be in Tennessee. Z is staying here to tend to the house, animals, and kids. I get a vacation after all. 

I have been doing lots of sewing. I started making hexagons. I realized hexagons would allow me to make dragon quilts while thinning out my fabric stash. Hexagons take a long time. First I draw them, then I cut them out, then I draw smaller hexagons to make up the center, then I cut those out, glue them to the larger hexagons, and then I baste down edges. And THEN I can start making hexagon quilts, which require lots of planning and careful placement. But it is a rather smoothing process and I can't make too many because there is no shortage of hexagon design ideas. I could probably make nothing but hexagon quilts for the rest of my life and still not cover all the possibilities. 

Due to Christmas decorating, I moved a lot of furniture and I ended up getting rid of a night stand because no one was using it. And then I freed up a small bookcase, so now I can solve storage messes in the bedroom. I was going to give the small bookcase to the boys, but they aren't going to utilize it properly. They will just pile stuff on it. I'm thinking I should get rid of some of their junk. I'm really tired of them throwing stuff on the floor. 

I have figured out what to write about for future blog posts, but I haven't written them yet. Being in Tennessee next week, and then my husband being off two weeks for Christmas (working for a university has perks), I may not get to write anytime soon. Those might be next year's posts. 

With the weather, surgery, and just general chaotic life, I haven't done anything else with the garden. But it does look like a garden now. 

Not sure when I will write again. I haven't covered everything, just the big stuff. Until next time, blessed be.      


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