Friday, November 19, 2021

Um, IDK, Maybe?


My mother has changed her mind again. I think we are moving. I guess. Unless she changes her mind again. 

I decided I was going to reestablish my father's garden no matter what it takes. So this morning I got on Pinterest to look at garden ideas, but it just didn't appeal to me. I started looking at Witches instead, and now I am all in the feels. 

Life is crazy now. We were moving, then we weren't. During the not moving time, my husband went to an "estate sale." In reality, a meth head blew up his trailer with dynamite, the property was sold, and everything had to be cleared out before the closing date. My husband brought home lawn mowers, air compressors, and a fucking boat. Now we are moving again and all this stuff has to move, too. 

I am having surgery for back pain next month. I will be getting up at an ungodly early hour to drive to Roswell, GA. And then I recover, so I can't do anything. I have a few dozen sewing projects staring me in the face.

Also in December, my husband is taking the test for the next level in his career. In Tennessee. For 4 days. He wants me to go with him so that we have a sort of vacation. But there's children, plants, and animals to tend. 

At the end of December, a few days after my second surgery, my mother has a consultation for cataract surgery. She is in a tizzy and we haven't even gotten to the surgery part. She doesn't know about my surgeries, the test in Tennessee, or my art shows because she isn't interested in things that don't pertain to her, so when I start to speak, she interrupts to change the subject. 

Here's the latest on the garden:

I put up the fence to establish a boundary. I am going to plant foxglove here for protection. I intended to plant those seeds on Mabon, but that was during the not moving time. After this picture was taken, I moved the cauldron to behind the fence. My husband got me a huge plastic pond liner, so I think I will have a koi pond. Snapdragons will be on the other side of the fence, I still need to paint the swing, I have a homestead wheel to put up, my plants here need to come over, I have more fence to move, and there's still a lot of clearing to do. More pictures to come. Maybe. 

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

Too much going on for me! I couldn't cope with not knowing if I was moving out not. Good luck with your back surgery, I hope it all goes well. Much love xx