Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 It seems like a lot has happened since I wrote yesterday. Monday feels like months ago.

I still haven't heard anything about my application. Seriously, if you are part of an application process, be it for a job, a position, a membership, benefits, whatever- respond immediately. As soon as it hits your desk, send an email saying yes, we got it and will let you know something on such and such date. Maybe you deal with hundreds of applications a month, but the person who applied has probably only applied once unless it is something they desperately want, and they have everything riding on the application. I am okay with immediate rejection. If you tell me right off the bat that I am not a good fit then I won't waste my time, or yours. 

Last night I spent a long time discussing my mother with a family friend. This morning I had a really strange dream in which our current home was failing apart around us and then it was damaged by a large truck, so we had no choice but to move. Except everything was ruined and we had no place to go. I know the dream was my subconscious trying to sort out problems/feelings but when I have dreams like that I start to think something terrible is about to happen. 

I repeated my best possible outcome spell. What else can I do? 

Sewing Magick is still going well. I am finishing projects and staying ahead of deadlines. I found some things I want to try. I might take my art in a new direction.

I am going to have a minor back surgery for pain in December. And I really hope that wraps up my case. The accident was 10 months ago. I still think the little bastard that hit me and drove off should lose his license until he's 25. 

Yesterday I got an email from Wordpress promising I could easily sell from my site. Which I can, if I upgrade and pay every month. They are much more reasonably priced now. One of the plug ins I looked at was $300. But I'm annoyed that they make it sound really good then hit me with a monthly fee, so I didn't upgrade. Stop lying to me. I feel like I'm being tricked. I have not checked Blogger because I wanted this site to stay free. The WordPress email came right after I applied to the market, so at first I thought things were aligning. Something similar happened with Facebook- I built a shop and they are showing ONE mirror. I listed 12. I hate technology.

So there's the list of almost everything that came up yesterday. Nothing actually changed. All these things just bobbed up to the surface and floated around. I'm still in limbo while I wait for things to happen. Until change occurs, blessed be.

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