Tuesday, January 19, 2021

I Finally Found My Positivity Spell

 Good morning, my Dears! Life is great!

I'm serious, I feel better than I have in years. I think I told you that I deleted the Facebook app off my phone, and now I no longer feel tired. I still have plenty of energy and I am getting a lot done. I'm actually in control of my life. 

My secret is my binder, which is a combination of a to do list, a planner, a journal, and a book of shadows. This is the front, and that's where my positivity spell comes in. I read "The Rune of St. Patrick", then ask Grandmother Spider to guide me. I look at my art, remember I am a dragon who can make things happen, and that I am a crafty fox.

I reused some divider tabs from another project. Most of these are decorated with art. Some of the art are coloring pages that I used as spells. So I can open my binder, light a candle, and repeat the spell. Since I open the binder several times a day, this is easy to do.
My check list of daily responsibilities. 
I have a section for everything- the various crafts I do, Tarot readings, when bills are due, menus, rituals, social media posts, patterns I use often, household repairs, shows, and dreams. I write down everything. What I need to do, ideas, if it didn't work, my schedule, all of it. Because I can't remember everything. I can barely remember a third of it. 

It's so nice being able to know what is going on. There is no stress or wondering if I will get it all done. Everything is right here where I can find it.
On the back of the binder is a watercolor and marker painting I did years ago. I feel peaceful when I look at it. My binder is a work in progress and I am always adding to it. I think I need some crows to decorate the pages. 

I'm just really happy I got all my shit together. Since I'm not stressing, I am enjoying life more. I am much more active now. I've started dancing and hooping on a regular basis.

I hope all is well with you. Tomorrow I have a Tarot spread that I modified a bit.

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