Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Card Wednesday


See, I told you playing cards were fun to read.

This week I'm using a small spread that works well with any deck. Because the spread is focusing on problems, I will be using my Alchemy 1977 deck.

I carry this deck with me in the plastic box, which prevents damage. 

Our spread uses just 4 cards to determine why a day has been bad. Sometimes bad things seem very random. If a day is bad enough, it can turn into a bad week. Nobody wants that. If things seem to be off for no reason, try this spread.

1. Why this day has been so bad.

2. Why it's your right to be upset.

3. How to make yourself feel better.

4. How to avoid that this happens again.

Now, part of the problem with scheduling posts and exploring spreads is that not all apply to me. When I wrote this. I wasn't having a bad day. But I was a little bummed with art exercises not going as I wanted. I decided to think about my art and apply the spread to that so I could figure out what is blocking me.

All the cards face down. For position 1 I got 2 cards.

Position 1. What makes this so bad? I see this as conflict between what I want to do and my responsibilities. Being home all day means I get stuck with housework and cooking.

 Position 2. Why it's my right to be upset. I want to rule my life and focus on what I want. It really does bother me that my family takes me for granted.

Position 3. What I can do to make myself feel better. At first I thought this was a reminder that I love my family, but it could mean to do what I love and rest will sort itself out. Or it could mean both at the same time.

Position 4. How can I prevent this from happening again? This is a bit tricky to figure out. The card is an ugly demon made of beautiful women. This could indicate not getting lost in details, or it could mean to look closer and see beauty amid chaos. Perhaps I need to think more about how I present myself. Maybe I need to step back and let the art shine. This is something I really need to think about in order to move forward. At a very basic level, it could mean my art is good, but how I present it is not. I will try to remember that the next time I do a promotion.

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