Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday's Cards

 Yesterday, I worked in the garden. I dug up potatoes and cooked them for dinner. I picked peppers and started a new jar of pepper sauce. I picked a tomato and that will be today's lunch. I cleaned the living room, then started on the hutch. I solved a storage problem. I did plant Magick. I believe that is working. Things have been quiet with the in-laws. They still do spiteful things, but I usually don't hear about it until it's over and done with. Rarely does it impact me. Most of the time it comes out when the boys have done something wrong. Because the boys' behavior has gone over into manipulation, I have started working with my ivy plant. I haven't been at it long enough to see a difference. 

Today, my plan is to quilt. I woke up with a low sugar and I don't feel like being physically active. There was a terrible thunderstorm last night and it's too wet to do any work outside. It's a good day to be a kitchen Witch.

Starting with the Herbiary because I really want to be proficient with plant Magick.

I drew Velerian, which urges rest. Probably the best card for me today.

Now on to our regular reading.

Using the Dragon Tarot again. I feel this deck best suits my life right now. 

I have been thinking about contacting someone. I am hesitant about this because I don't think I will get what I need. I asked the cards and I got 2 reversed cards, which is a very clear no. They're both major arcana, so the person might be going through a life lesson. Or contacting them might mean major problems for me later. I asked this same question yesterday when I first thought of it, and I got a big no then too. This is not the answer I wanted. I am struggling to come to terms with no so I can move on.

I asked what today's challenge would be and I got a reversed ace of swords. Maybe what I envision is not as ideal as I think it will be.

When I asked for the solution to the challenge, I got the World still reversed. At first I thought I needed to step back, but now I think I need to figure out how to accept the no answer. And really, I would have probably just brooded about it all day until I either found a loop hole, or I would have asked the cards every day until I got a yes. That's not acceptance, that's whining until I get my way. The person should contact me if they are really my friend. I shouldn't need to do all the work. Things between us should be more equal. Now that I've thought about it, I don't want to contact them.

1 comment:

FreeDragon said...

Sewing didn't go so well. Every time I sat down at the sewing machine something happened. I was forced to deal with moving a car we sold. Being able to sew all day is my ideal day- the ace of swords. But what I wanted didn't happen- the reversal. I became aware of some things that prevent me from moving forward- this is the reversed Wheel. I still think the meaning I assigned based on me wavering to contact someone is still valid. The cards can apply to more than one set of events. Often times similar things happen at the same time because this is how the universe communicates with us. This is why we notice coincidences.