Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday, Monday

 It was another exhausting weekend. Once again, I'm still processing. My husband probably broke his finger while fixing a car. The wrench slipped, his hand smacked the motor mount. He doesn't want to go to the doctor. Given our worthless insurance and medical debt, I don't really blame him. He isn't sleeping.

I, on the other hand (no pun intended), have been having some strange dreams due to insulin changes. I'm dreaming about people I know in real life, but the scenarios are bizarre. Last night I dreamed my niece came over and I went outside and found a glowing plant. I got her, and walked around the neighborhood to discuss plant Magick. Except I lived alone in a strange town and the plant Magick was so obvious and strong that people often used it without even being aware of what they were doing. 

The dreams don't mean anything, but they are so twisted that life feels surreal when I wake up. I feel disjointed. I'm not sure what to do about it.

I have a lot I want to talk about. Most of it won't make sense; it would be a rambling list. But, if I get my head straight, I should have a nice Stitch Witch post come Friday. So anyway, cards-

Haven't drawn a card from the Herbiary in a while. I'm still trying to garden every morning. I have added an ivy plant to arsenal of spells. And I have fall garden plans. I gave House a potted plant, both House and plant are happy now. I haven't gotten anymore plants because I don't have money. Which reminds me, I need to work with my prosperity jar. 

I drew White Sage. I haven't used sage in a while because I kept seeing articles about cultural appropriation. I've grown sage in the past, and I don't really see a problem with growing your own herbs and smudging with those. Of course, smudging itself is considered the problem. There's other ways to cleanse. I encourage you to think about what you were taught and where it comes from. But at any rate, I think this card is telling me to clean. We had several emotional upsets over the weekend.

I haven't smudged the house in a long time. My husband and one of my stepson have asthma. Smoke in the house isn't good. But, probably we have negative emotions lingering in corners. I may set out some crystals to cleanse. I can also ring bells and sprinkle salt. 

Today I'm reading the Dragon Tarot.

I asked the cards what they wanted to tell me and I got the Queen of Coins, reversed. The block is obvious. I asked what else I needed to know, but got nothing. The cards didn't fall out or flip over. 

Feeling stuck, I changed my question. Is there a solution to the reversed queen? A whole bundle of cards flipped over, starting with the 6 of wands. I believe the answer is a long process. There were a lot of cards in the stack.

Under the 6 was the knight of swords, reversed. Not sure if this is another block to work through, or if I need to change my thinking. It may be about bringing balance even if I don't agree with the action. When I have more questions than understood cards, it's time to stop reading.

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