Thursday, May 28, 2020


Ok, I switched to the new blogger just to see if I could add photos. This is what I put on Facebook yesterday, so now I can blog as normal. Well, sort of. The new version is way complex and none of the icons make sense to me. But I can add photos, yay.

Some unexpected things happened yesterday. Will went to work, stopped at the gas station for drinks, got dizzy when he stood up, and came back home. He probably has an ear infection. He slept most of the day. He went to work today.

Yesterday, the in-laws went to get Aunt Barb, because her husband is being abusive. He's a shit person anyway. I don't know why she stays with him. I don't know why she didn't go stay with her children. I like Aunt Barb, but this is more disruption in a family of drama queens who don't handle stress or change well. 

So, on to the cards. I am feeling overwhelmed by the Alchemy deck. Today I'm reading Steam punk.
The cards aren't talking to me. Nothing fell out. I had to draw.
I asked what today's challenge would be. 10 of wands doesn't seem so bad.
I had to draw again to get the solution. 3 of pentacles. Hmmm. Better check the book.
What is more burdensome the past you know or the future you don't? Oh. Changing deck doesn't stop things from happening, does it? Tomorrow I can reflect on all the stupid shit that occurs today. So what was that solution?
Make art. I can do that. 

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