Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Before I can tell you about today's cards, I've got to tell you about yesterday.

The day started fairly well. I showered, went to the post office to ship the quilt I sold, then headed to the store for art supplies. I discovered a lot of things I could use to make kaleidoscopes in the jewelry supply section. I felt inspired to have another go at it. I came home and made lunch. My daughter wanted to paint. I said after lunch.

But during lunch, Will called to tell me Con was being released. I sent the kids next door, and went to the jail.

They didn't even know they had Con in custody. Finally, they found him, but they didn't have the paperwork to release him.

I took tools to Will at the airport. I went shopping. I went back to the jail to wait. I saw a well-dressed hooker go in. She couldn't get her pimp out. She swore in Spanish on the phone. I learned new words.

Two correctional officers, obviously in love and oblivious to the world, walked each other to their cars.

A couple with a 7 year old parked beside me. They looked to be my age. I thought they were coming to get their teen. The little boy started cleaning out the car. He put the trash in the trunk. The wife went in. She came back. The little boy started crying because grandma was still in jail.

The local tv station parked on the other side of me. They stood in the parking lot and discussed the best approach for the interview. They were very concerned about getting a truthful response. They thought the story could be huge. They seemed really interested in jail security. At that point I realized I had barely been there 20 minutes, and I had already stumbled into 4 different novels. I left. I don't want to be in anyone else's story.

I picked up my daughter, took her home, and got out paint. I got out a few art pieces for my next show. I started laundry. I planned what I could work on. I hung wet paintings on the fridge. I sat down to do art. Con called to say he had been released and was walking to the gas station.

Daughter pouted because she couldn't paint, and told her brother she was mad with him. I started cooking dinner. Plans changed every 5 minutes. The family ate dinner in shifts. Con left and never came home. Boys got serious attitude.

Will left for work this morning, but came home because he got dizzy at the gas station. Con never came back, but early this morning I heard one of our car doors slam. Don't know who was in the yard, but it was someone we know because the dogs didn't bark.

On to the cards:

I can't post pictures because Blogger, in an attempt to "improve" is pushing a new version. Apparently, it has bugs. This is a problem. So anyway, cards say another son issue (wow, what a surprise), and some cards indicate illusions and Magick. I can't explain much more, since I can't show the picture. Obviously, until Blogger learns not to fix what isn't broken, I can't post much :(

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