Friday, May 29, 2020

The 22nd Stitch Witch Post of 2020

As usual, I had a plan. It was awesome.
This bicycle wheel was originally a mobile. It hung on my porch, until the strings started to rot and things fell off. I took everything off. The wheel hung out in my studio until I decided we really need to worship dragons. I painted the wheel silver. I was really excited about this project.
I started wrapping the spokes with embroidery floss. I need fire colors. Wrapping spokes is time consuming. I have to wait for the glue to dry. I spent most of this week dealing with sickness, stress, and jail. So on Thursday, when I need to be done so I can write the Stitch Witch post, this is all I have to show. Bummer.
I'm using knot Magick. This is the knot. It's called a dragon knot. I'm going to make one red and one green. I intend to set the wheel on a base that allows it to spin. I think my grandchildren will love it. And if so much hadn't happened, I'd be done by now. Sigh. I know. You get tired of me not finishing things.
I did find a use for the most beautiful box. This now my portable altar. I have been wanting to use spirals in my Magick to manifest. This is perfect.
The box is covered with spirals. I have started tracing over a few. The inside is a bit small, but I have room for a deck of cards and a crystal. I can put in a paper petition. I'm taking my other portable altar to the studio. I found this box when we moved into the big house. I guess it belonged to Will's grandmother. No one has claimed it. I kept the box because it is beautiful art, but until now I couldn't find a practical use. I'm eager to see how my daily practice will change.

The yellow and teal yarn in the above picture is for the kaleidoscope I'm making. This time I made a mirror box. I hope I have it finished next week so I can show you. I should have several things to show, because I've made more of an effort to complete projects. I need both inventory for the craft fair, and pieces for my next show.

I've also been doing writing Magick. I started with a list of what I want. Then I wrote what I needed to make those things happen. My next step was to write the list as if I already have those things. One of them already came true. I'm really excited about that. My current journal is almost full. I have considered making my next one, but if I see something really cool in the store I will definitely buy. I do have a large 3 ring binder to keep track of projects and show entries, I could write more in that. The binder is decorated with Celtic knots, and has a spiral on the front cover, so I could write manifesting spells in it. There's a lot of possibilities. I need to decide what works best for me.

Next week, I hope to write about the dragon wheel. I'd like to know if dragon activity increases, or if we become more prosperous. Until next time, blessed be.

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