Friday, January 24, 2020

The Fourth Stitch Witchery Post of 2020

I signed up for a workshop that helps people become better artists. I did not get to work through all the exercises, but what I did do had near immediate effects. I can see why people sign up every time the workshop is offered, even if they've done it before. It certainly works. I feel like a barely skimmed the surface, and I don't think that's just because I only got halfway through. There's a much more profound insight and now I don't think I can go back to the "old way" of doing things.

To begin with, I cleaned off the kitchen island. I work here a lot because I have plenty of space and good lighting. The problem is I rarely finish anything in one sitting. Also, anything that needs my attention is left here. Before I cleaned there was a pair of pants that needed hemming, and a sleeping bag with a broken zipper. This area cannot be storage space. Right now the only sewing project is my daughter's quilt. I'm drawing horses on fabric. It's here so that I remember to work on it this weekend.

Cleaning off the island made me realize I don't want piles of projects all over the house. I felt inspired to tackle a few projects. I had four piles- one in the kitchen, one in the living room, and two in the bedroom. Some of them really didn't take long at all to complete. The result is now two piles:
This is my rocking chair where I normally work. The silver box is my current project box and in a perfect world this is where I would put projects at the end of the day. The box is full. Laying on top is the owl clock (more in a bit) and a bear that needs stuffing, and my husband's belt. I am not any further along with the clock. It was on the island. I put it on the box because I was going to get busy. Then my husband was in a car wreck and I forgot everything. (He's okay. The truck is totaled.) The bear is my next deadline (I have one week to finish). My husband's belt wasn't properly made to begin with and the four pitiful stitches came out. I haven't found the leather working tools yet. But still, that's only 3 things. They are in the correct place, even if not inside the box.

The other pile is in my bedroom on top of the sewing cabinet where I do Witchcraft. This pile is more problematic because there's way more stuff. Admittedly, most of this is too large for the silver project box, like my trees. I am designing storage boxes for the trees so they can be dust free until they sell or go to another show. Two of the trees are not complete. The big red ball is the unfinished tree The Slow Extinction of Humans. It is so large I have doubts about being able to make a box for it. I'm Burning for You isn't done either, nor does it have a box. There's a lot more, but at least now this is one pile instead of 4. I have a vague notion of what's here. Before I wouldn't remember until I started digging.

I know this is a rather disappointing post. You were expecting Magick. Instead, there's a lot of junk and no Magick. There's no spell.

I will talk about the rug. That's the most magickal thing I've got going right now.

I figured out how to make really big plastic canvas art. Immediately, I wanted to make a very large wall hanging of stars for the boys' room. I could work some binding spells in the stars. I was really excited until I realized it was a waste of time because they will tear it up. Doesn't matter if they are involved in the creation process or if they choose the colors or if they would rather have animals instead of stars. They will pull out yarn. They will pull it down from the wall. They will try to break the canvas. They're little shits. This is what happens to everything I make for them.

My sewing machine needs a rug more than they do. Currently my treadle sits on two pieces of wood to keep the iron wheels from digging into the linoleum. Ugly. Just ugly. But a rug would be nice. A rug will solve the problem. I'm using really thick plastic canvas that was slated for a mirror project, but I missed the deadline. I'm having to double my yarn to fill the holes. I have some no slip backing to put down when the rug is done. It will be very thick and should protect the floor nicely. So what's magickal about it?

What's not Magick about twin stars? Doesn't it look like eyes? I need protection, too. My stars are red and white on a black background. Red, white, and black figure heavily in Norse Runes, which I use daily. I suppose I could bind the edge in silver for goddess energy. The rug will fit nicely under my Singer. The star burst is based on an old quilting pattern, so it ties everything together. But mostly this is Magick because I rarely make anything for myself. I gifts for family, I make according to the guidelines given by my fiber group, and I make items to sell. I make trees because I am alarmed that not enough people seem to realize our planet is dying. Partly this is a response to the workshop. I had to figure out who would buy my art. I decided my customers would be like me. And it suddenly dawned on me that I had this really limiting belief that shouldn't have or enjoy my own art; art was only valid if it was made by a stranger. No wonder selling is difficult when I don't value what I do. I can't price it because I don't think it's worth anything.

It was an eye-opening revelation. I really want pretty things in my house. So does everyone else. Everything I've worked on this week has been for my home. What I've shown to friends has gotten more admiring comments than usual. My kaleidoscope generated a bit of envy.

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