Monday, June 25, 2018

Magick Monday- Powders

Powders are very useful. Most people seem to associate them with voodoo. There were lots of tv shows in the 80's were the voodoo practitioner blew powder into a person's face. I don't recommend it. I promise your love spell won't work if the person you desire has burning, irritated eyes. They will not think of you fondly.

Powders can be added to charm bags. Candles can be rolled in powders, as long as there are no highly flammable ingredients in the powder. You can sprinkle them around the house. You can pour them around objects or even make a design with the powder, like a crystal grid. My favorite is to call the winds and let the wind carry the powder/spell.

Powders are simple to make. All the ingredients are used in equal or balanced proportions. For instance, there may be a ratio of 4's- 1/4 of each ingredient, or 4 ingredients. It could be 1 tablespoon and 1 cup of a base ingredient. Some people add a signature ingredient. This is just one thing that is in every powder you create to make it yours. The problem with signature ingredients is not every ingredient is suitable for all practical uses. I use dragon's blood resin. It is not edible so it cannot be added to food. It can leave a red stain, so no using in body powders, nor can it be used on light colored items. 20 years ago, dragon's blood was in every metaphysical shop. It was a bit expensive but a little bit went a long way. Now it's hard to find. The signature ingredient does not follow the proportion of the other ingredients. Only a small bit is used, a trace amount.

The magick comes when the powder is activated. How it is activated changes from person to person. Some people sing over them. Some people leave the powder in a special container in moonlight. Some people think the powder is activated when it is released from its bottle and envision the energy of the powder flowing into the Universe to manifest the spell. Mine are activated when made, usually with a chant and crystals. Sometimes I leave crystals in the powder, and other times I use a crystal point to draw a sigil in the powder.

You will have to decide for yourself what activation works for you. Some of it may depend on how much you need or what you will use it for. Sprinkling powder all around your house requires more than a small charm bag. You may also want to consider how to store them. I like to make a batch and use the powder as needed, though that isn't practical for one spell. How will you dispose of leftovers? I put old powders in the compost pile when I clean up tools and supplies.

This powder comes from Silver RavenWolf's book "Halloween." I made the powder on Halloween night for a friend who was having problems with her neighbors. She lived on an army base. I made the powder, sprinkled it along the living room wall where their housing unit met hers. She intended to leave the powder until they stopped being assholes but the next day her husband complained about "that stuff on the floor" so she swept it up. A week later the neighbors moved. The next set were quiet and never bothered anyone.

The recipe is:
Equal parts
Chili powder
Black pepper
Angelina (didn't have any, left it out)
Pumpkin spice
Black talc (didn't have this either, used baby powder)

I don't remember how much I used of each ingredient, but I remember we ended up with nearly a full Tupperware bowl. I poured the powder in a thick line against the wall, and sprinkled some on the wall for good measure.

Make the powder, light a black candle, and say this:
Witches' lair and spirit-wolf night
Ancient Ones bring second sight
Blood and bones of those before
Help me with this little chore.

Herbs and talc and natural things
At my bidding, safety bring.
North for earth, and east for air
I summon Spirit to help me here.


fluffy said...

Thank you so much, I am definitely going to try this tomorrow. I am not sure what to use as my "signature" herb, or how to activate the magic yet, but I am sure something will occur to me after sleeping on it. Do you think that this would make someone feel uncomfortable walking across your path? I hope to dissuade them from walking in front of my property. Thank you again love Fluffy xx

FreeDragon said...

Our goal was to keep the neighbors' problems from affecting us. Some of the things that happened before making the powder- neighbor's kid threw berries at the door, neighbor's kid came in uninvited and would not leave until I walked him home, neighbors threw a party and invited everyone EXCEPT my friend, playing music at odd hours then complaining about my niece walking loudly down the hall.

We did not want them to know what we were doing, which was why we put the powder on our side. Nothing happened after Halloween. No arguing, no complaints, no snide behavior. My friend's husband came home one afternoon and boxes were being carried out of the neighbors house. I think the powder would help deter people from trespassing.

Another spell that has worked for me is putting the ace of spades until the door mat. I made a copy of a card because I didn't want to ruin my deck. This prevents unwanted people from entering the house. I used this spell for someone who did not their son's girlfriend. We found she didn't come over unless the son brought her there and insisted she came in. I would repeat the spell and she'd stay away for weeks. Had the son not brought her over, I don't think she would have entered the house at all.

fluffy said...

I have done the powder today and sprinkled it around the border of my property where the neighbours tend to make the most trouble. I decided that the powder was active as I ground it in my pestle and mortar and used poppy seed as my signature herb as a lot of these grow in my garden and I will be able to harvest a lot of these and also poppy is apparently the flower of my birth month. Thank you so much for your help and I will let you know how I get on. It would be a dream come true if they moved, but just leaving me and my family alone is enough. Love Fluffy xx

FreeDragon said...

Good luck! I hope everything works out.