Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I Got Trouble

I cast the circle of dragon's gold, dragon's flight, dragon's fire, dragon's power. Gold, flight, fire, power. The circle is cast. I am between the worlds.

Here in the between, I right the wrongs, I reset the course.

I remove all that hinders me. I remove all problems. 

I know there is a solution.

I know I can keep what works. I know I can rise above difficulties. I know I can burn obstacles. I know my strength and endurance grows.

Dragons aid me. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you for the gifts you have given. Thank you.

I open the circle. I release the Magick to its target. I move from between the worlds to the earthly plain. I remember the rite and strive for a better life. 

As I will, so it is.

I wrote this ritual this morning because yesterday I found out my stepson has been climbing out of his bedroom window. I get really tired of dealing with his problems. I intended to put a container garden in front of that window. Now I have to change my plan. I've got to make it so he can't go out, can't climb back in, can't pop out the screen...maybe I can't even have a garden there. Maybe I have to nail the window shut. All this is depressing.

I think climbing out the window is a reaction to the in home counseling even though we haven't started it, we've only met with them. He always fights help, usually by doing something drastic. Yesterday I met with the psychiatrist who will do the evaluation. Tomorrow he sees his regular counselor. Part of me wants to push on no matter what stunt he pulls and part of me wonders why I bother because if we make any progress his behavior will only get worse as he attempts to get out of facing his problems.

Goddess help.


fluffy said...

The ritual sounds good to me. Sorry about your stepson, he obviously has deep rooted problems, I hope thatnif you decide to persevere that things will improve. Perhaps the garden would put him off climbing out of the window. Love Fluffy

FreeDragon said...

I put the screen back in and he went out the front door.