Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Tuesday Edition of Magick Monday

So yesterday I found something I had forgotten about- an old journal.

My plan was to update my binder where I keep bills. That led to cleaning off the desk, which led to finding the journal from 2 years ago. Of course I read it, which led to the shocking discovery that I already knew but tend to suppress- I am lazy.

I think it is a resistance to change. Maybe I am uncomfortable making changes even when those improvements are to my benefit.

I realized I have had several really good ideas...that I just never followed through.

I sat down and made a list of those. I wondered why I never implemented them. I decided I needed to keep those at the forefront. If I don't do them it will never work.

I'm going to review the list daily so that I remember what it is that I'm trying to accomplish. I have only myself to blame except I don't want to assign blame, I want to act.

Are you doing what you want to do?

Magick is growth.

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