Friday, April 13, 2018

Fiber Friday- Week's Progress

I decided to do something with my business every day even if it were a small thing. I started my day by making a star. I came up with a color coding system. Purple is for quilts and pillows. Yellow is boxes, clocks, and lamps. Red is bags, purses, key chains, and pins. Brown is art and steampunk. I am using these stars as price tags. The color coding will help me set up booths and displays, plus tell me how much inventory I have, and, eventually, be a pricing guide as I intend to have a high and low set rate for each category. I am not actively selling now, but when I do, I will have everything in place it will save me time and planning.

Monday is the day to work on art show projects. After finishing my star (which took a ridiculously long time because after each section was done I got up to do housework) I finished this piece for "Little Pink Houses" which will be in the guild show.
I was going to make a house, but I decided it looked more like a brick path so I made a garden. I used variegated floss to make the grass. I wanted to emphasize the grass isn't always greener on the other side. After making my pitiful garden, I decided I needed trees among my houses.

By this time, the day was practically over. I decided to do some sewing after dinner. Then I got distracted by shiny Internet.

I finally got the raccoon sewn on the circle. He still needs edging and a loop for hanging. I went to the dentist after this and that pretty much ended my productivity. Tuesday evening we went to a boy scouts meeting. I took a sewing project, managed to accomplish much on the way, but once we got to the meeting, I spent a great deal of time reminding boys to use their manners. Then I had to chase a restless toddler. I took her outside. I found a ton of things I wanted to photograph and I rued leaving the cell phone inside. On the way home it was too dark to sew.

Wednesday is gift day. I thought I should work on the key chains I'm making for Christmas. I put the ring on, then realized I couldn't do anything else because I still haven't bought a compass. This went back into the box.

I made another price tag star. I love these little stars but no one else does. I gave up on making art with them. But I didn't want to stop making stars, so that's why they're price tags.

I finished Z's dream catcher. I figured this was a fairly  productive day since I wrapped up a scheduled project on the correct day. To celebrate I decided to make a business card.

The business card issue is something I need to address, but am utterly clueless about what I need. I decided to start with the same dragon I made for my pin. I can add words later.
This is how far I got with the Dragon. My husband came home. I managed a few more stitches while talking to him. Then Z, his wife, and daughter came over and no more stitches were made. I started cooking, I got a toddler ready for bed, and I cleaned. Lots of people think stay at home moms have nothing to do. If there was really nothing to it, nannies, maids, chauffeurs, and care givers would be free.

Thursday is home and wardrobe day. I always think I have no projects lined up. The reality is a ton of small things that need minor attention. Last week I repaired a torn dress and one of Will's shirts. Neither took long. I would like to mention an interesting sewing fact. In the Victorian era, women were expected to sew daily but there were taboos and rules. The lady of the house could not do something as mundane as mending- that was for the maid. The lady was supposed to be doing some delicate lace making or fine embroidery during the day so if any visitors arrived they would see her wonderful sewing skills. Now we live in an age when people are confused as to why anyone would want to sew.

Today's project is my seasonal signs. I've been making these for years. Spring and Summer are done. As soon as the background is complete, Autumn is done. I haven't started Winter. I do not expect to finish today, though it will be nice if I do.

I stitched several background lines before realizing there should be a checkerboard boarder at the bottom. I got tired of working on it so I trimmed the side and put autumn back in the box.

I made a sleeve for the heating pad. We were wrapping it in a towel but that didn't work so well as Will moved around in his sleep. We will see how this goes. I'll make adjustments as needed.

I worked on my business card which I didn't take a picture of. I finished the dragon. Then my daughter in law came over to babysit while I took my husband to the doctor. I had the nagging feeling I was forgetting something. Four miles into the trip I figured it out- not enough background color and no floss for words. The pitiful little exam room was not adequate for sewing anyway. And as we were the last appointment they were eagerly turning off lights as we walked out.

Allergies were a problem last night. I O.D. on Benadryl and still have medicine head. I have to go to the tag office again. Friday is my free day. I planned on finishing the river quilt since it has the most pressing deadline. I doubt I'll get any work done. All I can give you is a link to Nina Marie's blog:

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