Friday, April 27, 2018

Fiber Friday

I don't really have anything to show. This week has been strange. I did get a few projects wrapped up, and I made several decisions about future projects. Last night I went to Artist's Guild. I was really looking forward to the meeting because I thought the speaker was going to talk about how to promote your art. The postcard I got had a graffiti type font proclaiming "spark your art." I assumed her speech would be about figuring out what drives you, or maybe focusing on that thing you're really good at, or maybe how to market yourself without being a pushy used car salesman. The guild is rather snobby and frowns on commercial art. They are purists; fine artists. I really don't fit in because I am of the mind that if I devote so much time to a hobby then it should benefit me in a monetized way. When I enter our yearly show I always fall into the mixed media category because there is no category for fiber. And no, I'm not the only fiber artist.

I have an ear ache. I was hesitant about going, but I missed last month due to allergies and no babysitter. I was determined to go, especially for something I felt would be beneficial to all of us artists. Especially when it seemed that the guild was actually taking a more practical approach to artist life.

I was bored out of my skull.

The program had zero to do with the postcard. It was so different I started wondering if the guild had mixed up speakers. She wasn't a graffiti artist, she painted landscapes. She did have a sponsor, she gets paid/given art supplies to teach, but she didn't tell us how to get a sponsor and she got hers through sheer chance. She bumped into him at a conference. The whole thing was a let down and I wished I had stayed home with my aching ear. Worse, while she was an artist, nothing about her art moved me. I didn't look at her paintings and think it was great. I thought it was ok, but it looked like hotel decor. You know, the boring stuff they use to cover blank walls that won't offend yet still matches the bedspread.

Still stumped as to what I should post, I got online checking out fiber blogs. Most of them had something to do with spring cleaning. That intrigued me. I love seeing how other artists work. I decided to bite the bullet and post pictures of my own studio. That I can't work in. See for yourself:
The outside doesn't look too bad. The trailer is seriously bugging me. Why does it have to be in front of my door? I would really love to get the side shed emptied so I can have an outdoor sitting area. I could sit here in the rain and listen to rain falling on the tin roof. It would be awesome.

As soon as you walk in. Most of this is my stuff, it's just not neatly organized.

To the left. This was supposed to be for my husband's tools. He stores more than tools. Nothing ever gets put back.

To the right. I started putting up insulation because I thought I was going to get a wall. I bought paint. We ran out of money before I could buy wall boards. Because that's not a necessity I have never finished the interior decorating.

I did get a nifty attic which I love. I store seasonal decorations up there. All except my ceramic Christmas tree which is too tall. I want a box so I can lay it on its side but that is not a necessity either.

And what is at the door. Someday I will have air conditioning. Everything else is here because no one wanted to walk around my table. I love my giant work table. I'd love it even more if I could use it. Oh, and my flooring is what was in the kitchen of the old house. My attic is made from the floorboards though I can't tell you which room. They were the ones deemed too damaged to sell. Fortunately I didn't need 16 ft boards and was able to cut off the worst parts.

I keep saying I will clean up. I get discouraged by the things I can't fix. It makes what I can do seem really trivial.

Linking to Nina-Marie here:

1 comment:

irene macwilliam said...

try not to be too discouraged. You get pleasure from what you do manage to make and that is an enormous thing. Many people are totally lacking in having something other than the usual day to day life. I know what you mean about disappointment when one makes a real effort to attend a talk and then find it totally unstimulating and uninformative. Maybe that is the least interesting one over. Keep going, textile work keeps insanity at bay!!!