Friday, February 16, 2018

Fox Friday

Since last week didn't work so well, I decided to focus on one project today. Welcome to Fiber Friday the Foxy Edition.

I'm making a fox for each family member. Every fox is the same pattern of stitches, but in different colors because I was trying to match color to personality while still more or less keeping with the decor. First, I made a family fox. This funky, rust, sort of salmon orange appears to change color every time I look at it.
Husband's fox.
My fox.
Oldest son. His name wouldn't fit. I used his initials.
Both the adult sons picked the colors of their foxes. Oldest wanted a color based on his favorite football team and Z wanted a gray fox because he thought they were sort of rare. Z also decided we should be foxes rather than wolves or bears.
His name wouldn't fit either. It's a D, not an O. I realize this looks like the word "owls." It's not. I didn't want to make this fox due to the behavior problems this child has. 
This son goes by his initials. I didn't center the letters correctly. Rather than rip it out and start over, I added the Roman numeral because that was the easier fix. Yes, he really is the fifth. You may be noticing the older sons are not named after their father. The second wife filled out the birth certificate when my husband was not in the room. She went against his wishes. When my daughter was born, my husband and I made damn sure she did not share a family member's name. It is a burden to be named after someone.
I am still working on my daughter's fox. I have discovered it's best to do the sides, then the fox. I was going straight across, but with this one I rambled a bit. I started at the top then then outlined the Fox's side, made the feet, started the face, then went back to the top. I had a miscarriage before getting married. We tired for a year. At first, we kept up with cycles. Then we had as much sex as possible. Then I asked my doctor why I couldn't get pregnant and he prescribed a fertility drug. I got pregnant with the first dose. I didn't intend to make this fox in the same willy nilly fashion as I conceived my daughter, it just happened that way.
I will have enough space for at least 1 more fox after I finish my daughter's, I may have space for 2. Z wants me to make foxes for his fiancee and her child. When I started this project he didn't have a girlfriend. If oldest son gets married he will be annoyed that his wife doesn't have a fox. Eventually the younger boys will grow up and the fox project will be unending. This was so simple in the beginning. Now I'm running out of living room wall.

1 comment:

Susan Lenz said...

Love, love, love the back stories behind your foxes! Thanks so much for sharing!