Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Journal Ritual

I've mentioned journal rituals before. It is simply writing everything down rather than doing the physical act. Journal rituals allow for more privacy without drawing more attention. (Downside- if your journal is read then every detail of your spell is known. No passing off candles as ambient light.)

I decided to share my latest journal ritual with you because I deviated from the norm. I got to thinking, if I am between the worlds when the circle is cast, then why call quarters? A between place doesn't need to be oriented with cardinal direction.

Here's my ritual. Notice I also made some changes with the circle. I hope this helps, or at least makes you think about why Witchcraft is done a certain way. Whether or not it's the best way is debatable.

I cast the circle.
I draw the energies into me. I pour out my heart with the sun, moon, stars, world.
I am between the worlds.
I call upon the dragons of wealth to protect this working and to aid in this rite.
I center myself.
I release debt.
I release fear.
I release stress.
I release reactionary spending.
I center myself.
I fill my being with prosperity.
I fill my being with wisdom.
I fill my being with discipline.
I fill my being with confidence.
All my needs are met and more.
I have plenty of money.
I have plenty of money to pay all my bills.
I have plenty of money because this world requires it to survive.
I have plenty of money to thrive.
I have plenty of money.
I thank the dragons of wealth for protecting me. Thank you for protecting the wealth I already have. Thank you for assisting me in having more. Thank you for showing me opportunities. Thank you for letting me enjoy wealth without dread. Thank you.
I pull up the circle. I redirect the energies into an arrow which spears my desire and brings my goal to me.
The circle is open, never broken.
As I will, so it is.

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