Friday, January 12, 2018

Fiber Friday the 12th

Whew! Did you see that?! It was damn near Friday the 13th. That was close.

Today feels rather depressing. It might as well be Friday the 13th. I've spent most of the day helping others who are too ungrateful to notice, while trying to stay away from undermining busy-bodies which makes everything more depressing. Thus, the day is nearly half gone and I'm just now getting to my blog post. I think it's very important to do what you love in bad days. Otherwise you'll be weighted down.

This Fiber Friday will be a bit different. I don't have anything of my work that I want to show because I seem to be in a "can't see the forest for the trees" phase. I'm bogged in details. I just figured out I need to make around 40 fabric feathers. I have the fabric in the washer now. I don't think you'll appreciate the owl without the feathers. And the rest of my work isn't that interesting in comparison. Now that you're trying to figure out feathers, I doubt a box is interesting.

So the difference is I want to show you what I would like to work on in the future. I decided I need to start doing the projects I find on Pinterest in order to a.) improve on my skill set, and b.) why the hell am I saving this stuff if I never do anything with it? Electronic hording isn't much of an improvement.

This is the first thing I saw on Pinterest today. Evidently Pinterest realized I wanted more stitch patterns.

A spiral! I love spirals. I would go larger for a more dramatic effect.

Nice colors. Simple geometry.

These are similar, but the difference in red or blue gives completely different schemes, more so than the geometry differences. To me the blue seems homey and the red more worldly.

I keep saying I will do triangle point. Apparently some very complex looking but simple to make designs can come from this.
Simple stitches, bold pattern.

At some point, I want my work to be on this level. This doesn't look like plastic canvas.

I love bargello.

Another spiral.

If I ever get tired of flat, I found awesome spheres.

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