Thursday, December 21, 2017

Yule 2017

This year has had far too many low/dark points. So much happened that I find it difficult to wrap my head around it all. I think what shocked me most was how awful people can be. And worse, how people insist on clinging to hate and fear when it not only serves no purpose, but harms the very people thinking bigotry enables them to be the ruling class. I saw a lot of this in my own family and I got sick of explaining why Roy Moore shouldn't be in office. Even when we had a calm discussion and thought logical facts were slowing changing their mind, as soon as they were around their cronies they went right back to swearing they couldn't vote for Democrat. It weighs on my heart to know they support  candidates who will never do a single thing to help them or even make life slightly easier.

I've been doing Magick because it's the only thing I can do. I can't make people listen and I certainly can't make them think. So I work spells to protect what we have. I petition the Universe for facts to be revealed. I ask the Land to Awaken so that people feel connected to their environment and desire to be responsible for their homes and selves.

This year I'm going to build a permanent Magick circle on my property and I will visit it every day. I believe if I change my community for the better that change will ripple further out until we are all better. I believe that is what happened in our Senate race. Concerned people decided to do what was right. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the entire state tried to do what is right from now on?

Doing right is not always easy. In fact, it's usually very hard and inconvenient. But we should do it anyway because we all deserve to live well.

Tonight is the longest night. Face the dark. See clearly the obstacles before you, then make a plan to deal with them.

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