Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Day After Xmas

I'm sorry if I seem to be repeating myself. This year has been awful. It's been so awful I can't even begin to hope for something good in 2018. I'm certain if I start dreaming those dreams will surely burn. And yet I can't stand living this way. Here are the changes I'm making:
My in-laws behaved as they usually do. I tried really hard to stay out of it, which only made things worse. They gave me a coloring book. I'm very certain of the psychological message they were sending. But it's okay, I flipped it around. I turned this into a spell. I colored and demanded they become more thoughtful and considerate. In one week, I'll burn this and start a new coloring spell. I'll do it every week until they either learn the lesson or until I run out of pages. I posted this on Facebook too, tagging them so their friends will see it and ask why. And if my name keeps coming up they will tire of having negative conversations. At the very least, they'll get annoyed of constant reminders of me. I'll take what I can get.

Mom gave me this vintage sewing box. I decided to make it into a magick box for my sewing projects. I would like to put things away neatly when I go to bed. This isn't going to hold everything, but it can still be used as a magick box because I can leave it open to release positive spells like making sales or I can place materials in the box to empower my projects with good intentions. I really need to get the clutter under control. I didn't pack up anything for the Christmas holiday. One sister-in-law actually came over. I sat at the kitchen island glaring while I sewed and she sat uncomfortably on the couch. Other than finishing up a large chunk of stitches, it wasn't productive. Still, it was better than Thanksgiving when I cleared art projects for nothing because no one would come in my house.

I've done a good bit of cleaning in the studio today. I'm formulating a plan to turn it into usable space, which leads me to the calendar:
I decided to plan for a month in advance. I need to note my deadlines, art shows, and sewing circle meetings. Yes, I do put this stuff in Google calendar, but I think seeing it every day will be much more useful. I tend to forget things until the day of, then I'm scrambling to finish up. I may be more inclined to complete projects early if I realize there are some weeks when too many things are scheduled. This calendar will be strictly for art. It shows moon phases, which is good to know if I want to add spell work to my art.

I have applied to 2 sites to sell my art. I'm in the hurry up and wait stage on both. I decided to apply to as many sites/shows/galleries as I can find and eventually something will pay off for me. I decided the only path to success is persistence.

Logo! This will be the pin I wear to craft fairs to promote my work. I still plan to get a trailer and travel around the southeast. I need to make this dragon quite a few more times because I think I need several pins, and of course, banners so I can be easily found in the crowd. I really like the dragon, but am yet to pick background colors or design. I think purple, copper, and gold lettering are good choices.

My focus thus far have been on my work and family problems. I do intend to make changes in health and daily practice. I am going to turn my fire pit into sacred space so I can do community spells but I was putting that with studio improvements since the two are sure by side. And I have yard plans but that goes with the trailer since I intend to sell from the yard when I don't feel like traveling. Everything overlaps. If I don't take care of myself I won't be able to do any of these things. If I let my in-laws get to me I'll be too discouraged to do anything.

1 comment:

FreeDragon said...

I just filled out the events on the calendar for January and immediately saw something important- a deadline on the same day as a doctor appointment. That was what messed up my entry into a SAQA show, trying to fill out a form while at the dentist and not having the quilt with me so I didn't know actual dimension AND THEN it was Halloween, trick or treating wrapped up the rest of the night...I never did get back to the form or measure the quilt. No waiting until the last minute! I also realized there are many more art events than I thought. And I realized I have dues to pay. This is the importance of planning!