Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Mabon

I know this isn't the kind of image you were expecting to see and I wasn't expecting it either when I looked out my living room window.
Alabama Power added some poles. I was wondering why the machinery was so loud, then I saw this giant truck in my yard. I had a witchy post planned for today. This is a good example of how life goes on, holiday or not.

My main goals for Mabon involve putting my house and money in order. I have been cleaning everything. I have moved furniture to remove every last little bit of dust. Last night I tackled kitchen cabinets. Before this day is over, I'm going to smudge and renew protection spells.

As for the money part, early this morning I came to a conclusion- I can't rely on Kurt. I want to, but he seems to have some issues with money. I think these issues stem from the fact that each of his parents- father, mother, and step-father, earned money in dishonest ways. It's up to him to sort this out for himself, but in the mean time we are broke. I'm tired of just barely getting by. I'm going back to work. I have to do some spells for that too, for me to find a job and to work on an issue Kurt's currently going through where an office worker is abusing her authority. I realize it is not Kurt's fault she's on a power trip, and he's not the only one at the company suffering, but damn, these things just keep coming up in every job he gets and I wish he'd come to terms with his ideas about money and jobs RIGHT NOW.

After I clean house and take care of business, I get to do fun stuff- decorate for Halloween! And tomorrow I'll have a post about poison, so stay tuned.

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