Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Am in a Mood Today

My sugar had been on the high side so yesterday I went for two walks and scaled way back on my carb intake. I guess I over-did it because I awoke at 5:30am with a low sugar. Which led me to being cold. I covered up with a thick a blanket and when I was awakened a second time by a phone call, I was overheated. I feel like I am moving in slow motion today.

My kitchen is covered in ants. I have been scrubbing and spraying every since I got up. I do not seem to be making much progress. I killed all the ants around the window and door, but they are still in the sink. I think they are hiding in the pipe. I am ill with Kurt because he wanted to kill the ants with ant spray and I have told him a thousand times I don't want poison in my kitchen. He doesn't seem to think cooking spray kills them. He left for work really early and that pissed me off too because I wanted to drop him off then go to the bank and the store. He just took off and left me to deal with the ants. I can't do anything I planned, and I. Am. Out. Of. Diet. Coke. Aaaaarrrgggghhhhh! To top it all off, he was supposed to turn in some paperwork and it is still laying on the desk. I have a splitting headache and I just want to punch something. Repeatedly.


Kat of EmKatCreations said...

But I still luv you :)

My daycare mom says vinegar with dosh soap in a spray bottle has worked well for her.

FreeDragon said...

I was wiping the counter with vinegar and a soapy rag. I think the ants have a nest under the porch. Little fuckers.

catherine said...

try mixing borax with a little honey or syrup to make a thick paste and leave bits of it where you see the ants. it dehydrates them and they die, but it won't hurt your dogs.