Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is It Fall Yet?

I feel a little better now. I've been gardening. I don't know about you, but when my garden is doing good the rest of the world doesn't seem so bad.
I have gourds now. The other day I told these plants if they didn't produce, I would yank them up.
Baby broccoli.
Soon my Goddess will need a new home. The cactus is getting so tall She can't spin.

I intended to plant sunflowers, but when I cleared the ground I found ants. A whole nest. I hate ants.

I've been working inside, too.
I hung up my dragon curtain. Usually he goes up in the fall. This August has been the longest month EVER. I couldn't wait anymore. My dragon is a bit faded so when I take him down in the spring I will turn him into a rag rug. I used to have crystals hanging in this window.
I moved them to the smaller window. The other window was just too big. There needs to be lots of crystal close together or it doesn't have the right effect.
Here's the whole window. I still need a few more crystals, but now things look better. I think I will take down that awful blind. A simple swag curtain or garland would be better.

When Kurt came home, we finished all my errands. That made me feel better too. And tomorrow we'll have some money which also helps my mood.

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