Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Quick Note

I took Halona to the river. She didn't limp at all at the river, and she barely limped at home. She may need weekly aquatic exercise to keep her limber.

I am still focused on my sewing. Things seem to be coming together smoothly. I have dozens of unfinished projects. I used to say I was going to finished them all and never have so many undone projects laying about again. Then I would get frustrated as I tried tow work through the pile. I have set a firm limit of no more than three projects at a time. I ignore the rest. Why am I not working on one at a time? I get bored.

My future mother-in-law is moving and offered me furniture. I haven't seen it yet, but it made me think about the pieces I have, what I like, and what I would like to update. I might end up with a redecorated house.

The fall garden looks very promising. Everything is coming up now.

It is windy here, but no rain. Kurt is still impressed with my storm protection spell.

Kurt is out running errands so I have time to myself! I've already painted my nails and done a facial.

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