Monday, July 9, 2012

Not Pregnant

I started my period today. We are still trying. I am very confused because my breasts are fuller, I had cravings, and I was moody. We were having an argument about whether or not I was pregnant. Kurt said if I was, I would have milk. I squeezed one breast. Clear fluid came out. I just knew I was pregnant. We bought a pregnancy test which was negative. I thought maybe it was just too early to test, and intended to retest tomorrow, but I started today and now I feel utterly lost. I have a doctor's appointment around the twenty-something. I have a lot to ask my doctor.

In other, less important doings, we got the stuff to fix the floor. It was $102 and some change which astounded me. I thought maybe 50, 60 bucks. Yikes. I don't know how people remodel their homes. I am only doing the floor. I can't imagine trying to replace cabinets and paint.

Money is still a huge issue. There is simply none. Mom came to my rescue. She paid my rent, then gave me an extra $280 which is why I chose to go ahead and fix the floor. If I had been paying attention to price, I would have put the money on something else. I probably should have picked some other project/cause, but I really wanted to fix the floor before my landlord saw the damage. Since I bought the tile, Kurt is doing the work, and I am giving my landlord the receipt for his tax purposes, there shouldn't be a problem. But I still have an an underlying sense of anxiety.

Actually, I have vague anxiety about life in general. I worry about not having enough money, about diabetes, about not having a baby, about having a baby, my job, and well, just everything.

My house is clean. This is the only thing I am not stressing over. Kurt is the ONLY man I have ever been with who actually helps around the house. He sweeps, mops, washes dishes, and makes the bed. Because I have less housework, I have been sewing more. I also do more magick. This is how the floor fix came about. I decided to wave my wand. I do this occasionally when life is overwhelming. Sometimes, life is just too much, I don't know what to do, so I wave the wand. I didn't actually wave it this time, I just thought about it. When you think stuff and it happens, that is called wishcraft. Be careful of your thoughts.

I seriously hate my job. I am waiting for Kurt to find another job before I start looking, just in case the first one he finds doesn't work out. I hope I can stand it that long. I hate my boss. Nobody else likes him either. My sugar drops four times a night. I don't do anything but get pissed. I am trying to keep my head down, mind my own business, be good...but I want to have a screaming fit.

And my skin looks horrid. I work in a welding factory. The soot gets down in my pores. I have under the skin acne. I look old and tired. My hair is greasy. I feel achy, sore, and grumpy. All my readers need to go buy something from my Etsy shop right now, seriously- this very minute, so I can quit my job. Please.

I met my future in-laws. My mother-in-law thinks I am nice. She is happy we are trying for a baby. The fact we are not married doesn't seem to matter. She told Kurt to start a new family with me. No pressure or anything o_O


Alexis Kennedy said...

Oh honey, I just want to hug you right now. That's a lot of stress you're under. Hang in there!!

Chrysalis said...

I'm sorry. The stress must be overwhelming. Keep your chin up and remember, things DO get better!

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

Oh darlin, the body is a strange being and sometimes can even fool the soul inhabiting it. Hugs to the south!