Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cook's Day Off

I still don't have altar photos. The altar isn't even set up. I have cleaned everything. I am just waiting on a muscle man to carry it into the house. I could manage it myself, but hey, that's why I have a man- to lift heavy stuff. Every day when I come home, something distracts me, which is why I haven't done it yet. I have a pretty good chance today, being that today is Sunday. I had to work yesterday.

Kurt is cutting grass now. When he finishes, he is cooking dinner. He wanted steaks. He wants to grill. I think it's just a guy thing. While he is cooking, I will be reading this:
Here's the Amazon link
I couldn't decide if I wanted to see the movie. I like action movies, but it seemed just a bit too far-fetched. Then today I saw it at Wally World, read a few pages just to see what it was like, and got sucked in. I'll let you know how it goes.

I don't have a Silent Sunday post. I couldn't decide on a photograph. I do have plenty of Music Monday ideas. I think I need to start scheduling posts because I rarely get to do what I want to do when I plan to do it.

I ordered a staff. I know I said I wasn't big on staffs, swords, and wands, but this one just called to me. Plus it was on sale- my favorite. I'll be honest- it's from Party City. But it looks cool. Timing is the key here- I found it while rethinking my altar. I am taking this as a sign to explore how I practice and to possibly try new avenues.

Kurt did some farm work for my landlord. He found a giant crystal. It will be going on the altar. If I had thought before I started typing, that could have been my Silent Sunday pic.

Money is better. My hours have picked up and Kurt is now drawing unemployment. A vitamin company is building a new plant in town and we have both applied even though it won't open until January. The pay is good, lots of days off, and plenty of benefits.

Kurt baked cookies. They ran my sugar up to 514 and made him sick. I threw out the cookies. I suggest you avoid the brand with the fat, white dough boy.

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