Monday, July 23, 2012

At Last- Altar Photos

Kurt surprised me yesterday by bringing in the altar without me asking. Now that it is in the living room, it seems far larger.
I cleansed this area of the room with incense and my witch broom. Then I mundanely cleaned with my regular broom and mop.
Here's a side view of the top. I decided to keep it as simple as possible. To avoid clutter, I may do some spells on the lower shelves- things that require several days of lighting candles. All I have are three candles, my cauldron, the quartz Kurt found, and a lighter. The large black object under the cauldron is marble. A long time ago, I read marble acts as a 'power sink'. I have not found it to make a difference one way or another. Now I use it as a fire-safe precaution.
A close-up of the quartz. It is very beautiful. The picture doesn't do it justice. I have begun using it in my daily practice. I name the things I wish to manifest while touching the stone.
The types of candles I use. The tea light is really a LED light. I like to leave candles burning but that is not safe. Each day I light a birthday candle. Birthday candles are cheap and burn quick. I used to burn tea lights which can burn four hours or more. I don't have four hours to spend hovering around the altar waiting for a flame to go out. Birthday candles burn in a few minutes. I burn them in the cauldron.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

awesome. I love that it's in a high traffic place!