Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Mundane Altar

In my last post, I said I needed a place of power. What I do not need is a place to worship.

I am really not a religious person. I used to feel bad about this. When I was a child, I felt like I wasn't 'good.' That feeling sort of carried over to adulthood; what sort of Witch doesn't have a Goddess?

I have several, actually. I. just. don't. worship.

There. I said it and I refuse to feel guilty. I am Witch concerned with the physical world. That is not say I am unconcerned with ethics or morals. I just feel that because here and now I am on the physical plane, it should be my primary concern, not the afterlife. I will worry about my next existence when I reincarnate.

Since I don't worship or pray, I questioned for a long time if I even needed an altar. I do lots of Witchy things every day without lighting a single candle. I read Tarot cards on my bed. I know plenty of Witches who spread a pretty silk scarf over a table, light some incense, say a prayer, and then pull a cleansed deck from a special bag. I have about four decks that I use often. I keep them in a tin box. I write their messages in a notebook purchased from the dollar store. I never burn anything during a reading. I do wear a necklace but my purpose was to make the necklace a power object via repetition of a magickal act so that when I do need a boost, the power will already be stored in the necklace. The necklace in and of itself has no magick. This is what most people fail to realize- all magickal items begin as something ordinary. And you don't need an altar to make a power object. My necklace has never been on any of my altars.

It is a similar idea with an altar- it should be holy because the person who uses has deemed it so. It is made sacred by the acts that are performed on it every day. What is a sacred act? Well, that depends on what you call holy.

One of the reasons I am a Kitchen Witch is because I think my home is sacred space. My home is my power center. The house protects and shelters me. It contains all I love. It is where I am safe, where I recharge, where I rest. Because I hold my home in high regard, I think it is a sin to have a dirty house. My house is NOT spotless. But it bothers me to feel dirt on my feet as I walk across the floor so I sweep. I don't want to see ants crawling on my counters so I wash dishes. I want to be clean and presentable when I go anywhere so I do laundry and shower every day. I have enough respect for myself to demand a clean space. I couldn't be a hoarder. I want to interact with my environment, not be swallowed by chaos. Sweeping is sacred and my broom is holy regalia.

What I am trying to do is make the jump from an altar in a between place (the storage room is both inside and outside) to a house altar. I'm going from something hidden to something in plain view. Whether it looks like an altar or a bookcase remains to be seen. It may not be just my altar anymore. Kurt lives here, too. He wants me to teach him magick (although, as a Native American, he has plenty of magick already).

Next post- pictures of the new altar.


Aine O'Brien said...

I don't worship or pray either. As a witch I work in partnership with spirits. I think some people just can't make the break from their former religions and so don't feel spiritual unless they pray and petition and worship a god. Even calling my spirits "god" or "goddess" doesn't feel right to me.

My practices are without a lot of ritual as well. I believe the intent and the energy built using whatever means that makes us feel powerful is the right way.

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

This is a great reminder post. I think a lot of people wrapped up in words, ritual and books could learn from this.