Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Sex Witch Is In

Part of why I was bad in this life is I'm a tease. I know it. I admit it. I understand it's mean, and I still do it anyway. I don't do it as much anymore, because I'm old and know better. But sometimes...things happen.

It's Kurt's fault, he started it. He was doing really stupid stuff trying to get a smile out of me, and I, feeling bratty, stuck out my tongue.

'Don't do that.'

Of course I did it again. I did it like 20 times before I caught on to why he asked me not to. My mind doesn't catch on to dirty things like it used to. Not because I am less perverted, I just think a lot slower since diabetes rearranged my brain.

Now after I figured out I was making him think of oral sex, I should have stopped. But that wouldn't have been any fun. I wanted to see if I could get a rise out of him and oooh, I did. He had to stand behind a table for a while. This would have been a really good time to stop. I'm not good. I got an ink pen.

He dared me to meet him after work. I didn't. I think I have way too many men buzzing around me.

But it's nice to know I can still reel 'em in.

Sorry, Kurt. I'll be good tomorrow, I swear.

1 comment:

Kat of EmKatCreations said...

You made me snort coffee on my screen, lol. Rock On!