Thursday, April 19, 2012

Here's My Number

It's a really good thing I didn't meet Kurt after work. He tried to give me his phone number today. I told him I couldn't take it. He lied and said it was in case I ever had car trouble or something, ran out of gas or whatever, he'd come get me. The man can barely keep his own car running. I know better, Kurt.

I think I made him mad by turning down his number, but he kept flirting with me and he still does stupid things to make me laugh, so he hasn't given up. I managed to keep my tongue in my mouth. More or less.

Can you imagine if I had kissed him? We'd be married this weekend. I told Nene and she was all, 'Oh, be careful, girl. You can't play with some people. Can't do nothing with the tongue or the eyes.'

What? Eyes? Now I'm paranoid about where I was looking.

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