Wednesday, April 11, 2012

On My Mind

When I left work, the moon was wicked awesome, all orange and peeking through the clouds. It was one of those moments when I am glad I am a witch so I can love the moon and not fear the dark. I wanted to take a picture, but I knew my phone wouldn't pick it up.

Speaking of pictures, I am a piss poor photographer. If you see a detailed, sharp photo on this blog, the odds are great I googled for it.

I have a lot, and I mean a whole freakin' lot, of websites which I visit daily. I tend to get lost in these places, so I have to pretend pinterest and stumbleupon don't exist. I recently discovered the pinterest button on my blog doesn't take you to me, it takes you to a chick I follow.

One site I really enjoy is a witch's daily and she has not posted anything since February. I'm worried she may be dead. I really hope not. I'm sort of wondering what would happen to my blog if I died suddenly. When I was in the hospital, my email inbox got out of control and it took days upon days for me to sort through it all and reassure people I was still alive. My work email was just as bad which is surprising considering all my co-workers knew I had become diabetic. I am all over the freaking web and I pity the poor soul who has to sort through my computer files. I blog, bank, shop, research, communicate, and pay bills via the 'net. My budget, my journal, ideas, photos, and secrets are all on my computer. And if you sat down at my desk, I'm not sure you'd find my whole life. Should I suddenly stop blogging, you've been great readers and I love you all.

Today has been a rough day for me, my sugar was outrageously high and I felt like crap on toast. I felt so bad I had a very precise thought at work- Maybe our production number will go down and I can leave early. And holy shit, that's exactly what happened. So be careful what you think. And yes, after I took a whopping huge dose of insulin, I finally felt better. When I have bad days I just try to do better the next day. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I do everything I am supposed to do exactly how I am supposed to do it and diabetes still causes me to have a bad day. I live for the cure.

My cousin (a male asshole I don't like) brought my parents sugar-free jelly which they gave to me. I ate my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich in two years. It was very good. I have orange marmalade, fig, and blackberry. Several years ago, before diabetes, I accidentally picked up a jar of sugar-free preserves and it was so god-awful nasty that when I became diabetic I just swore off jelly. The jars from my cousin tastes like the real thing. I asked my mother if he knew I was diabetic, and she said she wasn't sure, she didn't talk to him much during the visit because he's still an asshole.

My other cousin, the lady caught in the middle of the murder-suicide post, is turning 41 next month. I am making her one of my stars in yellow and cream on a background of greens. She is the same age as the asshole, they went to school together for a while, and both are related to me, but not to each other. She doesn't like him either.

Queen now allows me to pet her. I have picked her up a few times. I brought her in the house for an hour last night. She played with both my dogs and they seem to like her. I couldn't catch her tonight. She did bark when she heard me wrestling with Sophie, but she was not liking the idea of being picked up. I guess we'll have to wrestle quieter.

Mr. Dragon being my team leader is working out great. I thought it would be awkward between us, but we get along well and at least once a night, he stops to talk to me. Just ordinary stuff, no deep conversations, but gradually we are learning more about each other. He still teases me, so tonight I snuck up behind him and jabbed his ribs. You might get me, but I will get you back eventually. I am patient and plotting.


Aine O'Brien said...

Sometimes I wonder about that too - what if suddenly I didn't post anymore? And I also ponder the contents of my computer - so much about me in here!

Pretty powerful "Work Magic" you've got there. That should be called the "Time to go home spell." LOL Someone was watching out for you.

Re: Pininterest - I am on the waiting list. Can you invite me? I have no idea what's involved in an invite - but if it's easy, would you mind?

FreeDragon said...

According to pinterest, you're a member and you have 5 boards.
I don't think pinterest always works as it should (hence the button not going to me) Sometimes when I try to log in, nothing happens. I have the best results logging in with twitter.